Very useful and simple hand to hand defense training – Must See – IOTW Report

Very useful and simple hand to hand defense training – Must See

21 Comments on Very useful and simple hand to hand defense training – Must See

  1. I would get a few swats with the yard stick. One day I laughed and said, that don’t hurt. Mom turned it 90 degrees and smacked me with the narrow edge. Lesson learned.

  2. My mom preferred a belt over a sandal.
    If she didn’t have a belt handy, the weapon became whatever was within reach.
    She liked the element of surprise.
    You never knew what was going to come flying at you, so retreat was usually the best option if possible.

  3. My mother wasn’t much of a spanker,she usually just chase me around until I hid under the bed. Now my grandmother was different,she would say”madam X go outside and get me a keen switch. ” I knew I was in for it then,but I loved that woman to pieces. Now I’m sad.


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