How Two Years Of Covid Cracked And Strained Our Traditions – IOTW Report

How Two Years Of Covid Cracked And Strained Our Traditions

Federalist: There’s a college reunion this week. Not an official one; but friends from the same fraternity gathering from around the country to catch up, drink beers and meet the new guys.

It’s a silly thing, of course, but special nonetheless: walking down to the softball field for the student/alumni game; seeing old friends, their kids and wives; watching the young guys in old shirts that have been passed down since you were in school; shaking hands with the old-timers who’ve been coming for decades.

It’s the continuation, really; being part of something older and bigger than yourself, even if just a fraternity. The black-and-white pictures of the gang from the ’50s, the Polaroids from the ’70s and ’80s; stories of ancient hijinks, but also updates on where people are now.

The impact on the active brothers is real, too: seeing older versions of themselves — men who are now lead detectives, senior officers in the Pentagon, or successful in business, law and journalism — who still care enough to come out, and even lend a hand with jobs or advice.

But from March 2020 through August 2021 — 17 long months — the university campus was closed. Barely a semester passed before Omicron panic closed the campus another month. A lot changes in that time. more here

37 Comments on How Two Years Of Covid Cracked And Strained Our Traditions

  1. I don’t think a nation can come back from the perversion of a culture, as has happened to ours. History backs this up. You just can’t put the Genies of 3 treasonous and wholly corrupt presidents (Clinton, Obama and Biden, transvestite admirals and a nation-wide epidemic of pedophile teachers back in the bottle.

  2. “You just can’t put the Genies of 3 treasonous and wholly corrupt presidents (Clinton, Obama and Biden, transvestite admirals and a nation-wide epidemic of pedophile teachers back in the bottle.”

    No, but what sport it would be to line ’em up & plink ’em off, like the old ‘shooting galleries’ of our ‘yoot’, wouldn’t it?

  3. This guy wants to go back in time. Fuggin’ boomer mentality. Our best days are AHEAD OF US.

    We have to take what we’ve learned and make a better tomorrow.*

    *editors note: the psychology of boomers and gen X are at opposite ends of the scale. One generation had an idyllic childhood and wants to return to it. The other generation had a traumatic childhood and wants to escape from it.

  4. “This guy wants to go back in time.”

    wutdafuq? “… idyllic childhood …”??? seems to me some people dont’ whine about the ‘injustice’ of their lives as much as other generations incessantly dwell on … but, hang in there, sport … we’ll all mature some day

    … maybe

    naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ……… not me!

  5. Mo, did you get targeted for kidnapping? Me and my brother did. Lots of kids did. Did you have to worry about adults pushing drugs on you? We did. In fact, the whole drug culture blossomed when we were kids.

    There’s no comparison between growing up in the 70’s-80’s vs growing up in the 50’s 60’s. None. Zero. Besides, I’m not complaining. I’m simply pointing out how much boomers suck and how much they destroyed this country.

    Which is why I root for every boomer death. There can be no way forward until we drop the shackles of the past.

    And yes, I’m talking about “A Christmas Story”. Ralphie must die.

  6. Can’t carry a boombox surfing or skiing.

    We did have a piece of crap boombox at my brothers friends house where we built a skateramp.

    Well….it started as a half pipe but the wood sheets kept warping up creating stop gaps. Like, you’re skating and then you stop and go flying.

    So we kept nailing down everything until the entire ramp was a surface of nail heads.

    I’ve never even seen a Christmas story. It’s just so omnipresent in our culture that I know all about it.

    And I was a punk and then a Mod. The antithesis of conforming to peer pressure. We simply dressed conservatively and listened to early American R&B. Didn’t seem like much of a reason to throw cinder blocks at us until eventually one of us got killed.

  7. Burr, I’m a 71 year-old Boomer. And I can tell you I hated my peace/love/dope hippie peers while growing up in the 50’s and 60’s and even now. (BTW, it started out as ‘Beatniks’ in the 50’s.) There are lots of us anti-hippie Boomers left. We’ll die soon enough without encouragement, thank you. And BTW, you read some of the best ones anti-Boomer-Boomers RIGHT HERE on this web site. Just saying.

  8. You know what it is General? Your generation was catered to. You had moms at home. Parents who didn’t get divorced at the drop of a hat. TV was pretty much made for you.

    And that’s all we had to compare with. As a latch key kid I’d see drug busts, robberies, kids go missing, drunken adults fuckin with kids, just….shitty adult people smearing their shit on everyone else. And then you’d turn on the TV and see America from just 20 years earlier.


    But I am sorta just messing with ya’. I believe, like Reagan, that Americas best days are ahead of us. I don’t want to “go back” to anything. I want to keep this train wreck movin’ forward.

    Learn from the past, try not to fug up the present and plan for a bitchen tomorrow.

  9. Burr, I’ll drink to that – and thanks for that cogent explanation. I’ve been wondering what happened, too. I’ll write something if I ever figure it out.

  10. I saw the way Edward James Olmos gave Tubbs the side eye.

    Dude wore pastels all the time. New York cop with no accent, fine dresser, has woven sandals, into cologne, drives a convertible 64 caddy… but is not a pimp.

    :bo du bopeaduh WANG WANG WANG WANG WANG twee didle twee duh do:

    Yeah, that was the outro.

  11. tell me again, Burr, how much Boomers destroyed our country when we were shipped off as cannon fodder for dreams of Utopian government & military/industrial profits in Southeast Asia. ever been through a ‘Lottery’ .. or two or three? ever know that your life was worthless to the country you’ve loved since birth, at the age of 17?

    I agree w/ you on the ‘comparison’ of growing up in the 70’s-80’s to the 50’s-60’s. your lives were so much more miserable than the boomers. imagine growing up w/ the threat of nuclear inhalation every day of your existence instead of whether He-Man will vanquish SKeletor, or Captain Planet will save Gaia … one shudders on the bullshit that’s fed our youth.

    boomers grew up in the Atomic Age, where ‘duck & cover’ was a routine classroom assignment … where you face your ass to the blast … oh, what fun … what angst … but, we didn’t whine about it, like future generations seem to do w/ regularity
    we had to worry about Godzilla, damn it!

    yeah, go on … bitch about the Boomers & blame them for your frailties … it’s ok
    we’ve been blamed for all our progenies & whining failures … we blamed all our failures on our forebearers

    btw, pro tip: never get ‘targeted’ … we were taught to always be aware …. we all knew to avoid the ‘friendly’ priests. remember a few kids just ‘disappeared’ back in the day … call me ‘lucky’ … we were a ‘guarded’ bunch of snot-nosed little bunkerds in those days … guess we didn’t swallow the Power Rangers bullcrap as much as we learned true life lessons from Buggs Bunny & Foghorn Leghorn

    … & you bitch about Ralphie? …. seriously??? … you got issues, dude … lmao
    blame Ralphie???? … being jealous of 9 year-old having a b-b gun fetish ain’t no way of going through life, son.

    your ‘problems’ ain’t shit. any no more than my problems being shit … it’s the way of all ‘generations’ to blame their elders for their problems. it’s easier than confronting one’s own failures as reasonable human beings … I get it … I do it often myself … easier than confronting the truth

    love you brother, your posts are like manna from heaven to me … I click on them more than any other poster … you feed my fried brain … you got a great tangent. keep ’em coming, oh wise one … it’s all good
    my fingers be babbling tonight. Peace, out … (cliche’d to the max)

  12. Dude bro…I was just havin’ fun. I get ragged on all the time. It’s no big deal. Besides, I’m not raggin’ on you in particular. Just the society of the time.

    But yeah man, Ralphie in the library with a candlestick. No suspects. No clues. No motive.

    I could totally get away with it.

  13. BREAKING: Hammond Indiana. Ralphie Parker, aged 9, was found dead of a broken neck at the bottom of a frozen well with a novelty girlie leg lamp smashed on top of him. Police have no leads in this tragic Christmas time tragedy.

  14. The basic premise of this piece is absolutely spot on. Traditions, celebrations, occassions; all necessary to the cohesion of any sized society.

    Our Air Force squadron started, about 15 years ago, to reunite every other year. In our last reunion, because it was pretty clear that quite a few of the much-loved, oldest members would probably not make it much longer, talk started of doing an annual event. Then covid, and I haven’t heard anything about when the next reunion will be scheduled.

  15. I am a proud baby boomer born at the top of the crest of boomers in 1953 when all the Korean war vets came home, had sex and lots of kids. I come from a family of 4 boys, most of my friends had at least 4 or 5 siblings, my wife’s parents had 9 kids, 6 boys and 3 girls and that was not all that unusual back then. I am not ashamed of being a baby boomer, what I am ashamed of is how many of us were screwed up by drugs in the 60’s and 70’s, the anti Vietnam war movement of the late 60’s, hippies, free sex with every body and everything. 1968 was the year that changed America the most, it was the beginning of a lot of our troubles as a society that hasn’t got any better in the 54 years since. I left behind all the madness of that era after I grew up and was saved in 1972 when I was 19, joined the Navy and found out that I really was a conservative after all (thanks to my mom and dad and farmer grandparents) despite everything trying to turn me and my generation into an America hating fool. We did have the best of everything back then but we squandered it all and are now paying the price for our youthful foolishness in our children and grandchildren who will never know the freedom we had back then except by the stories we tell them which they sometimes have a hard time believing actually existed. Next January will be 50 years since Roe v Wade changed America for the worst, let’s hope that the generations who came behind us will finally put an end to this evil since they have born the brunt of abortion killing a large proportion of their age cohorts and especially black, minority and female unborn children. Please forgive my generation for all of our sins and don’t condemn us because of a lot of shitheads who bought the liberal lies and bs hook, line and sinker screwed it up for the younger generations who came behind us.

  16. ^^^^^^

    Tha’ fuck!?!?!?!?!

    HUGE if true. Also disgusting and grounds for any Cholo west of the Mississippi to take a piece out of him. Hell, he almost got whacked for doin’ American Me. If La Emma had heard about that….wow.

  17. Watch that episode again. Mac 10’s are 45 acp. All the actors are totally frightened by the blanks.

    And then Tubbs has a cap shotgun with normal primer fired shot shells.


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