House Votes to Legalize Marijuana – IOTW Report

House Votes to Legalize Marijuana

Fox News

The U.S. House of Representatives voted Friday to decriminalize possession of marijuana on the federal level.

The House heard a slew of proposed amendments for the bill, including measures to track and prevent impaired driving under the influence of marijuana, as well as carve-outs for law enforcement to restructure around the decriminalized substance.

The bill passed with a vote of 220 to 204.  More

27 Comments on House Votes to Legalize Marijuana

  1. A long long time ago in a country far, far away…..

    The point of legalization was supposed to be for the recreation of the hemp industry in America. You know, paper, ropes, hemp-crete. Stuff like that.

    I’m assuming the stoners forgot about that?

  2. Who would’ve thought 50 years ago that Congress would decide to legalize marijuana at the federal level. Soma, drugs for all just like in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. And once these idiots legalize pot how soon can we expect them to legalize all drugs including heroin, cocaine and hallucinogenics etc? Can states opt out of this idiocy or will they be mandated by Federal law to not to enforce current drug laws.

  3. As a former and recovered by the grace of God stoner I find this to be outrageous and nothing good will come from legalizing marijuana nationwide except for a totally lost new generation of govt. approved stoners. Way to go shitheads! Will they allow advertising on TV now for marijuana commercials.

  4. They want you stoned so you won’t notice what they’re doing. They also want to severely punish you if they catch you driving stoned. The goobermint at one time might have had the best interests of the American people in mind, but at this point it’s obvious that they consider us all cash cows that need to be sent to the slaughter house as soon as possible, with nothing left to give to our offspring. A completely godless entity. Watching old episodes of Dragnet puts me in my happy place. My America.

  5. Pfizer bought a medical marijuana company with cash at the end of 2021. There are a lot of medicinal purposes for marijuana and if you look back in the history big pharma was behind banning it. Let it rip. The republicans should have run with this and carried most of the country that no longer has marijuana demonized. There are 5 CBD stores in my small town last time I checked (under 3,500). People should be free to choose how they want to live.

  6. Legal weed should be a States Rights issue PERIOD!
    The feds should stay the fuck out.
    Plenty of states have already made that choice.
    Plenty of them don’t want this shit.

    I’ve lived in both types and it’s obvious the increase in weed use is equal to the decrease in a civilized society.
    Like it or not, it’s not even arguable…

  7. It’s a chance to establish 50 new agencies to oversee Marijuana from seed to pipe.
    AND to tax every step from seed to pipe.

    “The feds should stay the fuck out.”
    Like you’re ever gonna see THAT happen!

    I think the whole illegal shit started with the (Federal) “Marijuana Tax Act” of 1937.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I believe it was the alcohol producing companies that kept weed off the market and declared it to be a dangerous drug. Got the Feds to go along with it. For years they put out propaganda on the evils of marijuana. Our forefathers smoked the stuff to “relax.” They knew the medicinal properties of weed. Now the wine industry is feeling the pinch as is the weed industry. Both markets are flooded with too much product. There’s lots of dispensaries going up just like liquor stores. Booze is far more toxic on the body than weed is. Legalize it.

  9. There was also the Dragnet episode where a young married couple who had been smoking marijuana forgot about their toddler in the bathtub and the toddler drowned because of their unsupervised negligence. Jack Webb and Joe Friday were bad ass both originally on the radio and then on TV.

  10. Guarantee you that the bill won’t allow you to grow your own nor to set up a small farm for profit. Only cigarette companies will be allowed to grow and sell this shit. That’s how it always works now. They want the little people stoned and poor.

  11. Geoff – so many great Dragnet episodes dealing with drug abuse. The maid’s day off slobs all twitching in the conclusion scene. The dummy lib that inadvertently flashes a lid in his notebook for Joe to see in night class so Joe busts him. There’s a pot grow episode in Highway Patrol too. Three episodes on at 5am on MeTV. If I’m up i’m watching. Drug use to attain altered states of consciousness is called pharmakeia in the Bible – on the same level of offense as witchcraft. I’m glad I stopped in 79. It’s not something godly people do for recreation and just a further deterioration of morality in America.

  12. Maybe you can explain why God made it grow out of the ground, like everything else He caused to grow for human & animal consumption.
    Nothing wrong with cannabis or alcohol, if used wisely.
    It’s overuse and abuse that is a problem, and an INDIVIDUALS problem, not the states, country’s or religious sect to dictate policy.
    So brainwashed, yet so unaware.

  13. It’s a cursed creation that we live in. Thank Adam. It wasn’t meant to be like this. Heroin comes from poppies. So let’s hear it for sensible responsible heroin use. LSD another creation. George Harrison said dropping more than once was piggish. You might end up like Syd Barrett and become incoherent or Gene Clark and become so neurotic that you can’t fly because of panic attacks. Pot’s a weed. Like one of those damn things with the spiky seeds that get stuck in your feet. It might not be around when Christ returns and restores creation to what God intended. So spark up while you can.


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