Colin Kaepernick Publishes an Autobiographical Children’s Book – IOTW Report

Colin Kaepernick Publishes an Autobiographical Children’s Book


When Colin Kaepernick was five years old, his kindergarten teacher gave his class an assignment: Draw a picture of your family.

Kaepernick colored his entire family yellow. When he got to himself, he used the brown crayon.

“What I realized in drawing my family was that in my entire class, I was the only one who didn’t look like the rest of my family,” says Kaepernick, who is Black and adopted into a white family.

That simple-seeming assignment turned out to be a pivotal moment for how Kaepernick viewed his identity. It also became the inspiration, many years later, for his first children’s book, I Color Myself Different.


What is the moral of the story, as I see it?

Don’t adopt a kid outside your race or they will grow up with a giant chip on their shoulder.

Well, not all kids will—just the ungrateful unstable weak-minded will.

13 Comments on Colin Kaepernick Publishes an Autobiographical Children’s Book

  1. Dr. MLK Jr. –
    “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
    I’m pretty sure his adopted parents were trying to fulfill Dr. King’s dream, but this ungrateful prick turns it completely upside down.

  2. He isn’t BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He’s a result of Jungle Fever. Why do cretins like him and the fag 0bama ignore the white part of their heritage?

  3. Book deals are one of the ways the swamp funnels money. How many books will have to sell for $1 million. He’ll be running for office somewhere. This is a pay off.
    Probably end up required reading in all woke elementary schools.
    Black is good, whitey is bad.

  4. Such ingratitude, such arrogance, such stupidity could only find safe harbor in islam.

    Hey Colon, have you reconcilled with your baby daddy? Axe him why it was ok to dump you on others?? Then you might, MIGHT, be qualified to write a book for chillren.


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