Jack Maxey to Share Hunter’s Deleted Laptop Files – IOTW Report

Jack Maxey to Share Hunter’s Deleted Laptop Files

UK Daily Mail

For the past two weeks, [Jack] Maxey has been in hiding in Zurich, working with IT experts to dig out more data from the ‘laptop from hell’.

Maxey, a former co-host of ex-Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon’s podcast the War Room, claims he and his colleagues have found ‘450 gigabytes of deleted material’ including 80,000 images and videos and more than 120,000 archived emails.

He said he intends to post them all online in a searchable database in the coming weeks. More

10 Comments on Jack Maxey to Share Hunter’s Deleted Laptop Files

  1. Jack Maxey is a teaser, he was suppose to release all the files last week. A link was provided but the link didn’t work. Maxey is a dual citizen of Switzerland and the US. I hope he doesn’t drag it on and on…

  2. @GoldenFox, according to article Maxey says he set up 5 “drop boxes” to hold the Hunter Biden porno stuff. All but the box in Switzerland were taken down, he thinks by the 5 eyes intel agencies. Daily Mail couldn’t confirm that part of his story, however.

  3. Unless Hunter has video/photographs of underage children in his porno folder or snuff films, he may very well be the most moral of the Biden family, or even the Democrat party.

  4. @Dr. Tar: Thanks for clarifying the website link. They acted fast taking it down. I want the world to see what’s on the lap top. I can’t shake the feeling that Humper intentionally let this happen. Beau was always The Big Guy’s favorite.


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