Jackson Confirmed – IOTW Report

Jackson Confirmed


The Senate on Thursday confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, paving the way for her to become the first Black woman in history to sit on the nation’s highest court.

Just before the 53-47 bipartisan vote, during the rare occasion when senators announce their votes standing at their desks, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called it “an even greater moment for America as we rise to a more perfect union.”

While Democrats have the votes to confirm Biden’s nominee on their own, three Republicans — Sens. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney — will break ranks from the GOP to join them, marking a solid, bipartisan win for the Biden White House in a hyper-partisan Washington. Former President Donald Trump’s last nominee, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, received no votes from Democrats.


36 Comments on Jackson Confirmed

  1. Jackson’s primary qualifications for the job were (1) race and (2) gender, proving once and for all that systemic racism/sexism is alive and well in the USA.

  2. …you’re not in the clear though, Pedos. Where the state fails the citizens will pick up the slack.

    You non-Washington types don’t have the Secret Service to protect you.

    But that doesn’t mean there won’t be someone with a gun waiting outside when a fraud court releases you.

    They’ve stolen the Court for you.

    But because of that a more final judgement will be provided. One you can’t escape unless you’re Superman.

    The prision protects the public from you, true.

    But it also protected you from the public.

    So go ahead, step outside.

    You never know who you’ll meet when you do.

  3. …So how many women are on the court?

    Is there any way to know?

    Bueller? Jackson? Anyone?

    …guess the next appointee needs to be a biologist to read this riddle for us…/s

  4. More importantly than first black (mixed race) potentially female on the supreme court, the first person with a bullshit made up african sounding (to the American negro) name. Hell, it might even be a legitimate bullshit made up african name for all I know. What I do know is with the bullshit made up african first name and the hyphenated last we’ve got our first actual soup sandwich on the court. Historic by any definition. No one asked her whether she was a practicing pedophile or whether any of her kin were, to explain her seeming sympathy with the vile creatures. Maybe because the questioners were protecting the short eyes fans among themselves.

  5. After they MURDERED Scalia, the SCROTUS has been swimming in the blue shit in a Porta Potti.

    Any Justice needed done in Amerrikka will be delegated to lead.

  6. what a shit show
    so far, not one single person that paid to rape children on epstein’s island has been arrested
    keep in mind most of these child rapists are in government, the media, & entertainment

  7. Your prayers were answered & there is still a chance you will be saved. Folks this really is a nothing berder, lib replaced by another lib. There was 2 republican appointments, so quit crying about it. Move along, nothing here to see.


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