Bidens Flagged 150+ Times by U.S Banks over ‘Concerning’ Foreign Transactions – IOTW Report

Bidens Flagged 150+ Times by U.S Banks over ‘Concerning’ Foreign Transactions

NeonNettle- Democrat Joe Biden’s family has been flagged by U.S. banks over 150 times after repeated attempts to funnel large sums of foreign cash raised red flags due to the “concerning” nature of the transactions, according to a new report.

Biden’s son, Hunter, and brother, James (Jim), had scores of transactions involving global business that were allegedly flagged as “concerning” by U.S. banks, CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge has revealed.

“CBS News has learned that more than 150 transactions involving either Hunter or James Biden’s global business affairs were flagged as concerning by U.S. banks for further review,” Herridge said.

“Some of those concerns included large wire transfers.” 

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) told CBS News that he believes that Biden’s brother was a key part of Hunter Biden’s business ventures inside communist China. more here

8 Comments on Bidens Flagged 150+ Times by U.S Banks over ‘Concerning’ Foreign Transactions

  1. So! Doesn’t mean a thing. Who are you going to believe? Don’t you know that 51 former members of the Intelligence Agencies believe all those U.S. bank records are classic examples of Russian disinformation?

  2. Whoever the transactions were reported to is just as guilty as the bidens. How much more proof is needed to show that there are 2 classes of people? They’re the royalty and we’re the serfs.

  3. Meanwhile in Canuckistan…
    About 1 year ago I tried to take $3,000 cash out of my bank account and some little shit diversity teller waddled over started asking me why i was making the withdrawal.
    “because its mine”
    Then, “what are you going to do with it?”
    “It’s mine, Is that Ok with you”
    Our records show that You Have never removed this much money before sir.
    “Yes I Have” , “Can I have my money please”
    We just want to make sure you are not under duress sir.
    “I am Now, where is the manager”
    She huffed and walked away while the regular teller got me my money.
    (No Manager)
    It continued a bit longer…

    Once I got the cash in hand I said to them, “It’s My money, I can burn it in the parking lot If I wanted too, I can literally spend every penny on weed, or I could just give it to a family member.”

    I told them I DID NOT appreciate being PROFILED because I was wearing Dirty Clothes, had long Hair, & was in Construction boots.

    The reality was, that I was being asked those questions because the COOF-19 has created a bunch of little Assholes with perceived power and authority who figured they could Flex. Furthermore, the 2 of them were “giving it back to honkie”, You could easily tell.

    The Same bank that was first to put a HOLD on TRUCKER DONATIONS!

  4. Anxiously awaiting to hear of the size and dimensions of the massive steaming pile of jack motherfucking shit that will ever get done about this. Nothing ever gets done.


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