…”they can’t do nothing”… – IOTW Report

…”they can’t do nothing”…

Think about it. What the narrator means is they won’t do anything because he’s black.

Why the free pass from the law?

Isn’t this a form of reparations thrust squarely on the backs of private industry?

And why won’t Walmart do anything? This dude who’s trying to stop the thug, if he is an employee, will likely be fired.

8 Comments on …”they can’t do nothing”…

  1. How far off is total anarchy & collapse ?
    Soon all shopping will have to be online.
    I got a 20 acre Amazon Prime warehouse 1.0 mile from
    my front door.

  2. “Isn’t this a form of reparations thrust squarely on the backs of private industry?”

    Yes and no. You’re a step shy of who really pays for it. It makes the prices higher as it rolls along.It’s making the public at large pay the reparations, in the end. Otherwise they’d have to close the business if they can’t make up for the losses. Quite evil to not prosecute for the thefts.

    That’s like thinking you’re sticking to big business with some high tax and not realizing it’s just another cost of business to pass on to the consumer. So it’s really another tax on citizens.

    Liberals are both stupid and evil. They’re Stupevil.


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