The execrable Ana Navarro doesn’t wear a mask on an airplane – IOTW Report

The execrable Ana Navarro doesn’t wear a mask on an airplane

Personally, I think she should wear a mask for eternity. She’s the Spanish Miss Piggy.

Speaking of Spanish, this dope recently pronounced “coup” as “coop.”

When she was corrected she said she was pronouncing it in Spanish.

For the record, coup in Spanish is golpe. Nice try, you dunce.

Go give a rub and tug to Obama as he says “corpseman” over and over.


Masks are mandated on U.S. airlines until April 18, when the policy comes up for review. Passengers may remove their mask if actively eating or drinking, but a knowledgeable flight source told the Free Beacon that Navarro was brazenly flouting the rules.

“She wasn’t actively eating or drinking,” the source said. “She had a cup of ice on her tray table, so she’ll probably say she was eating ice cubes.”

Navarro has a history of supporting strict mask mandates, particularly when it comes to air travel. “If you refuse to wear a mask, your ass ain’t gonna fly,” Navarro wrote on Twitter last year, days after advising her fellow Americans to stop “bitching” about mask mandates, which she has described as “no big deal” because wearing a mask is easier than wearing Spanx.


14 Comments on The execrable Ana Navarro doesn’t wear a mask on an airplane

  1. Easier than wearing Spanx? Twittered by someone who knows, right? LOL! Libtards *really* don’t care who knows what about them, do they? Never saw a bigger group of people with ADD. They do suffer from attention deficit disorder — only it’s not their own attention they are seeking.

  2. Who’s nuts is she hiding in her cheeks.
    Can’t be the lady-man swimmer, he still has his package.
    From the sour look on her face my guess would be Mitch McConnell’s.

  3. I don’t think she even washed that hair she snatched off a yak before she stuck it on top of her fat head. And her Spanx. Her poor, poor Spanx. What did that Lycra ever do to deserve that?

  4. I hadn’t heard of her.
    Apparently she’s someone of some renown?
    Her appearance is similar to someone I saw at Walmart who was cleaning the shithouse.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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