Inflation killing off famous New York City $1 pizza slices – IOTW Report

Inflation killing off famous New York City $1 pizza slices

New York City famous $1 pizza slices are going the way of the dinosaurs, thanks to inflation.

The average price for a slice, not only in the Big Apple but across the United States, has lurched upward with the country’s soaring inflation. From 2019, before the pandemic, to today, the average cost of a slice of cheese pizza has gone up by more than 10.5% in New York City and 13% nationally, according to data collected by the pizza ordering platform Slice.

Abe Nasrallah, head of restaurant transformation at Slice, told the Washington Examiner that the average price of a New York City slice is now $3.14, a 4.14% increase from last year. Nationally, a slice of cheese pizza averages $3.21. The “dollar slice” stores that once were abundant in New York are fading away.

“There are still a very select few places in New York that sell dollar slices. Most of them have increased in some way, shape, or form. Most of your dollar slices have gone up to $1.50,” he said.

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19 Comments on Inflation killing off famous New York City $1 pizza slices

  1. TRF,

    I would rather EAT RAT than a lab Grown BILL GATES BURGER.

    (A wise man here calls him “Gentleman Farmer”)

    Cheers! (Love this site)

  2. Pizza crust reipe?….it’s just flour, a wee bit of salt, water and some oil……annnnnd some 120 year old sourdough starter that your great great grandfather hauled over Dawson pass during the Alaskan gold rush…..Keeping it warm in his wife’s bloomers….

  3. MJ – MM will come back with “It’s just a normal recipe, but you cook it in a $3,000 brick oven…that’s the key.”

    Willie – you numbnuts, the wife’s bloomers comment nearly had me spraying iced tea all over the screen. lol

  4. Very few pizza joints—and any other small biz— left in NYC since most have relocated out. The only decent slice anyone will get is if it’s homemade (flatbread, sauce, cheese, oven).

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