It’s Like They Think They Don’t Need Us Anymore – IOTW Report

It’s Like They Think They Don’t Need Us Anymore


The finance ministers of the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have decided to create their own financial mechanisms to continue trade between nations of similar disposition.  Once the internal issues inside the BRICS alliance are resolved, and once the mechanisms are created, then other nations will be able to decide to join or not.  The great global cleaving will commence. More

14 Comments on It’s Like They Think They Don’t Need Us Anymore

  1. They wouldn’t dare any of this without China.

    The big question is, when is China going to stop accepting US$ for payment for all the crap we buy from there?

  2. Globohomo appears to be on a losing streak. But, as they are so fond of saying about Russia, Globohomo may be more dangerous when cornered. Be careful out there; We are the ones who are going to pay for their hubris and miscalculation.

  3. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa?
    Sounds like a plan – fuck em – let em stew in their own juices.
    It’s a collection of Mob (criminal oligarchs) states – corrupt through and through (like we’re becoming).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. South Africa?? Please nigga. They pretty much destroyed their country last year with widespread rioting. Since they decided they didn’t want whites…well, bye.

    I loved how the rioters were described as “crowds” Kinda reminds me of the media here.

    Brazil is a couple steps up from that and China will use ’em all like kleenex so this little club has all the makings of a Klown Kar.

    A serious administration could make mince meat out of their plans. So we’re fucked.


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