American Thinker:
By Francis P. Sempa
Writing in the foreign policy mouthpiece of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party, The Atlantic, former president Bill Clinton attempts to defend his decision to begin the post–Cold War expansion of NATO by naming the members of his foreign policy team, especially the late Madeleine Albright, who supported this move against the advice of George F. Kennan — who knew more about Russia and its history and culture than all of Clinton’s advisers combined.
Clinton claims that his approach to Russia and Europe was to “work for the best while preparing for the worst.” The “best” was helping Russia become a “functioning democracy,” and the “worst” was to expand NATO in case Russia returned to “ultranationalism.” Clinton writes that he was convinced that Boris Yeltsin would continue Russia along the path toward democracy and cooperation with the West, but he didn’t know who would succeed Yeltsin, so he decided that NATO expansion into lands that had for centuries been considered in Russia’s sphere of influence would serve as insurance against the possibility of Russian nationalist revanchism. Apparently, Clinton and his “brilliant” foreign policy team — Albright, Strobe Talbot, Warren Christopher, Sandy Berger, Anthony Lake — failed to consider whether NATO expansion might produce or at least intensify the very Russian revanchism they sought to prevent. more here
h/t NAAC
seems like … FOREVER … that the D’rats haven’t ever caught a clue about foreign policy & the dynamics of other nations
… always under the impression ‘if we just treat ’em like the typical D’rat voter everything will be ok’ … promise them free shit & they’ll follow right along … winning hearts & minds
Bill Clinton was the first treasonous US president. He screwed us early on be allowing himself to be bribed by the ChiComm and sell them secret missle tech.
After the fall of the USSR, Russia and it’s people were in desperate straits. Starvation and poverty were rampant as well as the rise of local warlords and nationally, the oligarchs. The military was hollowed out, they literally didn’t have any money.
Bill Clinton claiming he was doing what was “best” for Russia while at the same time listening to the forever war cunt Albright is ridiculous.
We had a golden oppo in the early 90s to make Russia an ally with something along the lines of a Marshall Plan v2.0. Imagine if this white, christian country was in our conner these days.
But no, our MIC needs a bogey man. Expanding NATO at a time when Russia couldn’t put together a half dozen regiments much the the swarms of divisions the war mongers were warning us about is exactly the reason Putin was rightfully alarmed about further encroachment in Ukraine.
And now what? We have a media openly calling for escalation in Ukraine heedless of the results. Fucking madness. This country is whack.
The KGB mentality runs deep in Russia. There are loyalists within
the layers of government who continue to preach of crushing western influence. These ‘true believers’ remind me of hard leftists here in America. Both communist influenced factions are psychotic and dangerous. Petty, small-scale swindlers like the Biden crime family are playing a dangerous game as they maneuver for personal financial gain.
That’s funny, the KGB mentality. Is that anything like the MIC, FBI, CIA, NSA mentality? Ya wanna compare mentalities?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) has announced that it will begin engaging in the Asia-Pacific region both practically and politically in light of Beijing’s growing influence and coercion and its unwillingness to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
They’re out of fucking control. It’s not the KGB mentality that repeatedly warned NATO it better stay the fuck out of Ukraine that’s hurtling us towards WWlll, it’s the feckless evil bastards in DC that are putting the match to civilization.
Just another democrat fuckup.
chew on this
Why would people who support(ed) Bill Clinton, believe “I was too stupid to know better. Now obey me.” is anything but insane?
KLIN-TON I was a never-ending fuckup – leave us not forget guided missile technology for campaign funds to the Chinese in ’96 & ’00. The Taiwanese will pay the price for that soon enough.