Is she $hitting Us? – IOTW Report

Is she $hitting Us?


A Utah woman arrested in a hit-and-run accident that killed two bicyclists allegedly told police the crash happened when she began defecating uncontrollably due to a medical condition.

Julie Ann Budge, 47, struck the two California men in their bike lane with her Hyundai Genesis in Washington City, Utah, at about 2 p.m. Saturday during the “Spring Tour of St. George” race, Fox 13 reported.

Budge told police that she had “various medical issues,” including irritable bowel syndrome, according to KUTV.

The condition made her “defecate on herself without warning,” which caused her to swerve into the men, she told police.

Budge also told police she knew she hit the cyclists, but that she couldn’t get her vehicle to stop, according to a probable cause statement cited by KUTV.

“A witness at the scene of the accident stated that it appeared that Julie did not have the intention of stopping after hitting the two cyclists,” the arresting officer reportedly wrote.

“The witness stated he followed Julie’s vehicle until she pulled over and stopped several hundred yards away from the accident,” the officer added.


Pretty sure she shit herself after she hit the bikers,

29 Comments on Is she $hitting Us?

  1. Did she take a selfie of herself as proof? I mean, it’s a shitty photo, but at least it would prove she was in distress.

    Hey you know what else causes diarrhea? liquor.
    Maybe next time lay off the Chocolate Mudslides at lunch.

  2. Seriously though- Damn. Look at the photos- she exploded those bikes. Horrible.
    If the cyclists’ families want to raise a stink about Fentanyl, and how it’s coming in by the truckloads over the border, they better speak up now. Whether she did it legally or had them illegally makes no difference nowadays.

  3. 1) If it was medically documented in the past that only proves that she should have been wearing Biden Rated Undergarments.

    2) You’re absolutely INSANE to ride a Bike on the street (aka a “roadie”)

    I rode my mountain for the first time since the snow melted Sunday. I will take Trees, rocks, & Jumps at 52 years rather than risk DEATH riding on the street dressed like Shazam, with my ass up high, sucking car fumes. (nuts)

  4. Maybe I got the sequence all wrong.

    I was potty trained. Later I got driver training.
    I also learned that one should no longer ride a bicycle after you get a driver’s license.

    We have the bicycle pants crowd out here in my neck of the woods every weekend. Obnoxious people who don’t live here.

    Maybe I should change my strategy. shit my pants and take a couple of those creeps out.

  5. Uncle Al April 11, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    When the cops got her to the station did they give her the turd degree?

    Nope they were all fighting over who had to clean the mess up. Who’dda thunk that your life would end over a shit storm. BTW, her story is BS.

  6. She had a doody to stop!

    From the story:

    Budge also told authorities that she had been admitted to a hospital the previous day and had been taking fentanyl, a powerful opioid pain medication, through an IV drip, according to the outlet.

    Budge reportedly failed field sobriety tests after the accident.

    “At this time, I placed Julie under arrest for suspicion of driving under the influence,” the officer’s report stated.

  7. PHenry,

    My kid HATES “Raodies”.
    He sneaks up Behind them on his Mountain Bike, pops the front end, & wheelies past them. (I can’t do it)
    He is a Sarcastic Bastage!

  8. OK. Top this one.

    Senator Mark Warner bicycled out to the west end of Richmond and got on stage in bicycle pants. This was early into the war on terror, as it was called those days. Early 2000’s. Back when democrats pretended to care about the islamonazis.

    Mark warner on stage at crotch eye level. In bicycle pants.
    I am still seeking counseling.

  9. The only way that this story is believable would be if she was pulled over on a pot hole laden dirt road, in a 1970 Chevy Nova with no suspension, and she had 4 bowls of Raisin Bran prior to her trek. Otherwise, I smell bull shit….or heifer shit as it were. 🤣


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