Schoen: What needs to happen for Hunter Biden to become a mainstream political issue? – IOTW Report

Schoen: What needs to happen for Hunter Biden to become a mainstream political issue?


The observation that Democrats face daunting midterm election prospects has become somewhat of conventional wisdom at this point. Democrats are defending razor-thin majorities in Congress at a time when voters are pessimistic about the state of the country, frustrated by inflation and feel that the party is out of touch.  

At the same time, President Biden’s inability to strengthen his political position — even amid a strong jobs report, low unemployment, leading the international response to a war and a historic Supreme Court confirmation — bodes poorly for Democrats’ election chances in 2022 and 2024. 

To be sure, Americans generally vote for whichever party they feel can improve their own personal circumstances — in 2022, for instance, Americans will back the party that they feel can remedy rising prices, lower crime and address other major issues — rather than based on a candidate’s personal liabilities. There is no better example of this in modern history than the election of Donald Trump.

That being said, an issue within the Biden family is rapidly developing — the investigation into Hunter Biden and his business ventures — and this familial matter now threatens to spill over into becoming a mainstream election issue. 

The investigations into Hunter Biden, which are currently underway in Delaware and in the Justice Department are — for now — confined to Hunter Biden and President Biden’s brother, James. However, as more information comes to light, the risk of this becoming a problem for the president is increasing.

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9 Comments on Schoen: What needs to happen for Hunter Biden to become a mainstream political issue?

  1. When he slits Joe’s throat for getting him into this mess. That’ll be a story – for about a week. Then president Harris will be – *cackle* – will be the story, till she dies of an old veneral disease plaguing her. Then, her VP (Pelosi or Clinton) will be president.

  2. “The observation that Democrats face daunting midterm election prospects has become somewhat of conventional wisdom at this point. ”

    After ALL the treason: election fraud, sham impeachments, using a fake pandemic as a weapon of war, printing trillions of new dollars ans stealing it, weaponizing the fake media against the citizens’ interests (the Truth, for one)….
    …the democrats SHOULD be facing an end to their freedom and maybe their very lives.

  3. What needs to happen?

    Banging his step mom on the Desk in the Oval Office with lines of Blow on the nuclear football case.


  4. Who wrote that crap in the second paragraph, the DNC? Things listed are either not as bad as they were but nowhere near as good as they were when Biden took office, or pure meaningless drivel. A SCOTUS appointment whose only two qualifications are her gender (which she can’t define) and rushing the world into a war nobody except the elite wants (about which Boris Johnson is showing more leadership than Ol’ Joe could ever muster) are certainly not worth bragging about.

  5. Investigation only exist to compel people to give up damning evidence against Democrats, which then is lost or destroyed, never to be seen again, with all sources given a gag order. Then, with no evidence, the Investigation goes quietly away during the next subway shooting amid increasing COVID numbers as hysterically reported by the media.

    The net result?

    …nothing happens…

  6. The Laptop from Hell was only one of three that the smartest man Dementia Joe has ever known forgot to pick up. The other two were damaged beyond repair according to the owner of the computer repair shop in Delaware where Humper Biden abandoned his laptops. It must be reassuring for the Obiden Bama Administration and the Dementiacrats that only one of Humper’s laptops is in the possession of the FBI and the Department of Justice. Just imagine what was on the other two laptops. Perhaps the ChiComs and the Russkies will share that information with us when the time comes to rid us of the Biden Crime Family and get the Kalamitous Jamindian installed. Fweedom!


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