Could Covid Be Snake Venom And Not A Virus? – IOTW Report

Could Covid Be Snake Venom And Not A Virus?

Stew Peters Network – WATCH THE WATER

This is the scariest video I’ve seen in the two+ years of Covid.

It starts out discussing the Media, CDC, FDA, Government, etc plan to discredit and prevent use of Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Monoclonal Antibodies.

Then, they push the mRNA and Remdesivir protocols. Guess what these so-called life saving products are made from?

The title of the video? They get to that.

Thank God my water is from a well. But I still filter it.

Watch it HERE.

So, what do you think?

29 Comments on Could Covid Be Snake Venom And Not A Virus?

  1. I watched this earlier today. Could they be so evil as to inject the population with the venom of the serpent? This really could be The War of God vs the devil. This goes well with “Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man Alive”. Also worth watching.

  2. A friend of mine who got the clot-shot just came down with an autoimmunne disease diagnosis.

  3. Jethro

    You and I are in related fields. I personally think the big problem with the jab is Quality/Process control. I’m a big process control guy, out of necessity. I’m seeing batch results that lead me to believe they kicked this shit to market way before they had control over manufacturing.

  4. i subscribe to clif high’s substack. the following is a copy of his reply to the snake venom water story. i like how he analyzes simply and clearly. it helps me learn how to do it. his opening line also made me really laugh.

    from clif high’s substack
    “The Watch The Water “documentary” is being passed around the net like a blunt at a Rastafarian dinner party.

    Blunts are good. This ‘documentary’ is not good. In my opinion.

    The principal player in this “documentary” is a Dr. Byron Ardis, who is a chiropractor and acupuncturist. This is a problem as the Doctor is touted as a medical doctor and practitioner, yet is not. So there is a presumed layer of ‘credentialism’ on this presentation from the start. The interview does not examine the education (not schooling) that Ardis undertook to be able to make these conclusions. There is no real background on any of the science behind any of the conclusions provided.

    Propaganda! was my first impression of this video. The sound track, and the production values reinforced that idea. This movie was NOT made to simply present facts, or an opinion. It was made to SELL an opinion.

    To what end? Why do they want to push this view? There is no science provided, just pointers to presumed social engineering and plays for emotionalism based on the viewers’ perspective on current events. In this, it would seem that this effort has been to target a specific demographic of people. Thus the tentative conclusion is that the producers of this video are working an agenda.

    Yes, Remdesivir is a shit drug with a tainted history & not good results. Yes, the hospital protocols are killing people. This was known. The video sheds NO new light on any of this, but rather uses these as hooks for engagement with the rest of the material presented which is ALL about snakes & snake venom. All this material is based on assertions, not evidence, that Ardis makes as claims. He provides no evidence, but rather states his conclusions made with medical jargon laden descriptions, none of which are backed up, merely asserted as factual.

    Mushrooms and venom of all kinds are two of THE MOST STUDIED biochemical compounds on the planet as they are also THE most reactive within human biochemistry. So it is natural that one may find either, or both, medicinal mushrooms, or venom, employed in almost ANY given medical procedure. There are quite actually THOUSANDS of medical treatments based on venom peptides. As far back as 2200 years ago, the Yellow Emperor’s Medicinal Compendium from China notes the effectiveness of dried venom from snakes as well as snails and sea creatures for medicinal use.

    Pick almost ANY medical condition, research into the approaches by all of medicine practitioners going back in time, and you will run into Snakes. Yep, sure and certain. There is a snake down there somewhere.

    Ardis doesn’t bring any of this up. Maybe it is because, as a chiropractor, he is basically ignorant of medicinal history. Or maybe he wanted to present this information as though it was ALL targeted to covid. Maybe his goal is to push the idea that ALL the snake stuff was JUST for covid. Maybe he & the video want to use your lack of knowledge about how wide spread venom is within biochemical processes for developing medicines in order to slant the information to present a specific agenda. Maybe?

    Maybe it is all clickbait at some level. Maybe the whole agenda behind the video is to warp the understanding of a particular segment of the population in order to further the policy agenda evident in covid. The Deep State does this you know. They deliberately pollute the information stream of the opposition in order to come back later to harvest confusion and sew doubt. It is a tactic in information wars.

    It would be interesting to view a body language break-down of this video. There is disharmony being expressed between the words, and the face/gestures. This disharmony further degrades confidence in the presentation.

    IMO this video is SO much a propaganda piece, that it begs the question of Who is trying to sell What to Whom and for What tactical reason?

    One last point. Venom is highly reactive. This basically means that there are parts of all enzymes that will want to bond with elements (usually oxygen, but also chlorine and others) that will reduce its electrical potential. That is to say, make it more ‘relaxed’ and far less reactive. Thus the idea of dumping any venom, snake or other critter, into a water system is silly. Venom would encounter vast amounts of oxygen, chlorine and all the other chemicals currently polluting the planet. It would be very very unlikely that the venom would survive in a reactive state that would be able to injure your body. And, if the venom was made into a more water stable product, by that very process, it would no longer be reactive enough to cause harm.”

  5. watched dr. judy mikovits on youtube in march of 2020. think she got banned. anyway, all i remembered was the line “all the ferrets died”. the approach had been studied for 10 yrs. at first, excitement cuz tons of antibodies generated. then the ferrets were re-exposed to virus and “all the ferrets died”. this was a known, repeatable reaction called ‘antibody dependant enhancement’. i do not believe the vaccine deaths were due to sloppy procedures.

  6. I don’t know that I can buy this, not that they wouldn’t be that evil, just that it wouldn’t be possible to do it to the water supply with venom. Maybe on a small scale but not on the scale that would have been needed.

    The truth I believe is they did it to us, the how I don’t know for sure other than I believe our government along with China and other bad people created it. My personal opinion is that it was created for the jab and I will never be convinced the jab isn’t to kill off as many as possible. I’m sorry to those that got it, but I believe it’s only a matter of time for you. I base that off the animal trials using mRna for everything under the sun and all of the animals died.

  7. jmb, I want people to shoot holes in this. I want to see all sides on this horrific attack on humanity. Some day the truth may come out. I hope I’m still alive when it does.

  8. BTW, sadly I know way too many it has already killed. Some within days, some within weeks, some within months. These are people I personally know, either family, friends or acquaintances and I yet to know one person personally who died due to covid.

  9. Brad, “I’m seeing batch results that lead me to believe they kicked this shit to market way before they had control over manufacturing.”

    That is not it, they were testing different batch concentrations like is done in trials with animals, only this time we were the trial. This is not sloppy manufacturing, they knew exactly what they were doing. Dr Jessica Rose proved that in her analysis.

  10. My cousin sends me all kinds of propaganda videos. When they always turn out to be wrong, she just moves on to the next one without comment. She sent me this one yesterday, so I dismissed it without watching just like I do the others. Pretty sure it’s nonsense.

  11. I am unable at this point to come to any firm conclusions about covid because I do not trust the information I am getting. I am able to conclude that I cannot trust our government on the subject. Worse, I cannot trust our doctors on the subject because –whether due to laziness, willful ignorance, or fear– they will not read the studies or analyze their own patients’ experiences that challenge the party line (or, if they are doing that, they are still lying to me about the veracity and efficacy of the party line, in which case they are as evil as the government).

    So, of course this is when the opportunists arrive: propagandists, political activists, and snake oil salesmen. They are all trying to sell me crazy conspiracy theories (fake ones, as opposed to the logical ones that are quietly forming in my brain), new political candidates and movements, and all sorts of overpriced herbal preventatives and cures. I’m not sure I have the attention span to watch another documentary/propaganda film.

    I feel the same about the war in Ukraine. I don’t trust any of the governments involved (including/especially mine) and I certainly don’t trust the journalists or most of the charity workers who are bringing me the news.

  12. Little Morphin’ Annie – If you can’t trust the government and the doctors with the information they are spewing (which has morphed into a monster from “two weeks to flatten the curve”), you may not be able to come to any firm conclusions, however by default you are left to assume the worst… which is where I think most of us are.

  13. JMB – I don’t know who Clif High is but as far as I’m concerned, Dr. Ardis brought out as much medical proof as has the CDC/NIH/etc about this ‘virus’. I’m not saying his video is factual, but it is something to consider. It’s as good an explanation as any, considering the experts claim masks work, but are not necessary if sitting down to a restaurant meal.

  14. The guessing and pointing the finger at a single source(s) of covid, connecting the dots. Wet markets, bats, rats, AIDS, SARS, graphene, cobras, rattlesnakes, on and on. That’s what propaganda is, to confuse and elude the facts. Does anyone really know? It doesn’t matter, we know what they’re up to. I’ll name it for what it is “Project Die-Off.”

  15. Thanks for everyone’s comments on this. This spooked me at first because it was something I had not heard before. That’s one thing that should have set off my BS meter!

    I agree with everyone that we may never know the details of this excuse to control and murder the masses, but we do know some things:

    – Covid is the flu
    – Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are effective and cheap therapies to prevent, treat and cure the flu.
    – mRNA and Remdesivir, along with other hospital protocols are death.
    – masks, isolation, social distancing and any other nonsense are just that … nonsense, and meant to dehumanize and cause fear.
    – the left is evil.

    We may be hearing the truth from someone, somewhere, but we may never be able to trust it. Charlatans are everywhere, whether it be covid, the Russia/Ukraine “war”, finance, TV evangelists, ads for toe fungus and whatever else the depraved human mind can think of.

    But one thing is certain. Conspiracy Theories are coming true faster than we’ve ever seen before.

    Noah was a Conspiracy Theorist. Then it rained.

  16. Has anyone here seen a Project Veritas expose’? The images are often grainy, “tweeked” with, etc. Their video includes weird sounds and suspenseful music. Hell, O’Keefe is often presenting the evidence dressed in a trench coat and fedora.

    Just sayin’.

  17. Sigh. The mopes on this were getting all wild-eyed about the CDC detecting the virus in wastewater and then predicting an outbreak. For some reason they seemed to think this sequence was evidence of a massive conspiracy.
    It’s no more mysterious than seeing a black cloud approaching from the west and predicting rain, or hearing the music swell on a TV show before a commercial break, or that an angry look from your boss or your spouse presages trouble ahead.
    Obviously, if there is a smidgen of evidence of the virus in wastewater one day, a bit more the next day, and more than that the day after that, it sure looks like an infection is spreading. No mystery, no conspiracy. Just common sense.

  18. You see a black cloud and it means rain because it comes and you haven’t experienced it yet. That is the point. You can’t predict a storm that is already over……cuz its over

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