People who resisted the jab are clearly on the right side of the debate – IOTW Report

People who resisted the jab are clearly on the right side of the debate

When all is finally revealed, and the truth forced to come out, the ardent jabbers will see we were right in our decision.

This shot is dangerous. More dangerous than not getting it.

31 Comments on People who resisted the jab are clearly on the right side of the debate

  1. “…..blame the vaccine or government mismanagement….”
    Yes (i.e., both)

    And still a “pureblood”.
    My wife got The Jabs, but not The Boosts. Ok so far, other then old age aches and pains.

  2. Every politician who endeavored to force this injection on innocents NEEDS TO SUFFER BODILY HARM.

    “In the overabundance of caution” they recklessly, arrogantly PRACTICED MEDICINE WITHOUT ANY LICENSE OR QUALIFICATION TO DO SO.

  3. There seem to be legions of people facing aeternal damnation.

    And without their complete and absolute contrition, they get no forgiveness from me.

  4. the merc April 13, 2022 at 1:44 pm

    I wonder how many elites faked getting it.

    None of them, those that didn’t take the jab or claimed they did, got a saline injection…including Trump. No billionaire is going to risk their life on a jab that wasn’t tested or any clinical trials done. Of course they’d tell you to get the jab, they’ve got skin the game – monetarily. Warp speed, what could go wrong? Has Trump changed his mind about the jab? Nope,because he’d have to admit he was wrong. Would be bad for his election. That will be brought up then, in wait and see.

  5. There are still people in my circle of acquaintances that will not believe the information I send them and plan on getting the 4th & 5th shots. Never any counter proof, they’re just conspiracy theories and lies.

    You’d think a common sense question like if Fauci said if you’re get the shot you’re protected to you need to get boosters because the effectiveness “wears” off would maybe yaknow…raise some eye brows?

    Or citing a Reuters article that used the number 53 to disprove the assertion that almost 1,000 professional athletes have died, many on the field as they played and most all in their 20s.

    But nope. No alarm bells.

    I ask why do you choose to believe sources that have been proven to be liars or have banked big bucks and not 100s(1,000s) of Drs., Ins. CEOs, undertakers and scientists that aren’t banking & have nothing monetary to gain?


  6. The elites probably got SNS (Sterile Normal Saline), and now with all the democRATS supposedly testing positive for covid, that’s just more of their scam for the mid-term elections.

  7. The COVID shot exercise is of a piece with the tranny and LGBTQIA++ (one of the pluses is for pedophilia) hysteria we’re suffering, the 2020 election we suffered and suffer from, the ‘white devil’ racism scam, the global warming/climate change scam (ultra successful con, that one), and these are only the current major instances of this particular common intent.

    We are coerced through state power to behave and express ourselves as though we believe these obviously false narratives are true and valid.

    The objective is not necessarily to force us to speak and act as though these monstrous, debilitating, destructive lies are in fact truths, but to at least silence our very proper ridicule of them.

    Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. They seek to entangle us in their evil and do in every instance where we hold our tongue to get along, go along, avoid conflict, cancelling or termination of employment. We lose our probity bit by bit until we are really no better than they.

  8. The black dude at the end of the video. Good lort I’m laughing my ass off. Never seen that before.

    It’s good to be easily amused.

    On a more serious note, there are charts out there of hospitalizations for 12 various ailments showing jabbed vs non jabbed admittance; you guessed it the jabbed are at least 4x more likely to be there for any given cause.

  9. A former coworker and his wife popped up in my FB feed the other day. They live in California. They were toasting each other with margaritas to celebrate their 4th booster. Pointing at the bandaids on their arms with big smiles.

    It’s just so weird to me that this is something people do now.

  10. Natural SARS antibodies fought off covid the first week of December, 2019. Had very mild (cold-like) symptons for about 3 days, and that was that. Haven’t taken anything but aspirin and a few Advil since the plandemic started.

    I personally know 3 people — all fit and very healthy — ages ~55 and 70 who developed post-shot thrombrosis and high blood pressure with zero history or genetics predisposing them to their maladies. And yet none of them even paused to consider it might be shot-related.

    I fear that there will be those who are now feeling too foolish to investigate their odd symptoms who will would rather take their chances at being wrong than admit – even to themselves — that others were right to warn them.

    I do feel very sorry for anyone who got the shot(s). God knows the lies were thick, convincing and carried a very real threat to peoples’ livelihoods.

  11. when this first hit the fan in early 2020, i commented here that the sars nearly killed me in 2003……at first i was scared, then realized i already had immunities…..i’m 69, have taken no precautions, have not worn a mask or washed my hands more than usual, have, in fact, gone about my life as i always have……i will be fine, until something else rings my bell….

    but…..both of my brothers are vaxed, one of my sons and his wife are vaxed……many of my friends are vaxed…….

    and now, i have to be prepared to tell the hospital, in case i need surgery, that no, i do not want a blood transfusion…..and to top it all off, bill gates is releasing vaccine mosquitos in florida and california…..

    …..that’s not what they call them, of course….. 🙂


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