UK: Trans Police Can Strip-Search Women, ‘Hate Incident’ If They Complain – IOTW Report

UK: Trans Police Can Strip-Search Women, ‘Hate Incident’ If They Complain

Valiant News

New guidance from the UK’s police chief association has said that transgender officers born as male must be allowed to strip-search women, and could result in a non-crime hate incident if the women complain.

The guidelines, issued by the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC), were first presented in December last year, and were highlighted by the Mail on Sunday last week.

“Chief Officers are advised to recognise the status of Transgender colleagues from the moment they transition, considered to be, the point at which they present in the gender with which they identify,” they note. “Thus, once a transgender colleague has transitioned, they will search persons of the same gender as their own lived gender.”

While the guidance does say that it may be “advisable” for another police officer to strip-search the detainee if they object, the refusal could be recorded as a “non-crime hate incident” if their refusal is “based on discriminatory views,” such as believing that transgender women are not real women. more

15 Comments on UK: Trans Police Can Strip-Search Women, ‘Hate Incident’ If They Complain

  1. Don’t you just hate how misogynistic conservatives make women second class citizens?

    Twenty-five years ago I was in a play with a gay director. Funny thing — he would knock to enter the women’s dressing room to make sure they were “decent” but would waltz right into the men’s. What’s wrong with this picture?

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