Parent Exposes the Shield PEDOS Hide Behind To Silence Criticism of Sexualizing Kids – IOTW Report

Parent Exposes the Shield PEDOS Hide Behind To Silence Criticism of Sexualizing Kids

A man speaks to a school board about the porn books which his kids can access in the school library.

He says, “I don’t care what the genders or preferences are of the people in these books. That matters little. Filth is filth.”

He doesn’t say it, but his message exposes the left’s game plan.

If you complain about the books they will call you a bigot, homophobe, transphobe (because the books have gay sex in them) and hope you go away. He says he doesn’t want the books in his kid’s life even if it’s depicting hetero sex. Bingo!

The left always has shields. They’ve used black people as shields for decades. Now it’s the queer’s turn. Throw some gay crap in the books and they can sexualize the kids because it’s not right to criticize marginalized groups.

7 Comments on Parent Exposes the Shield PEDOS Hide Behind To Silence Criticism of Sexualizing Kids

  1. way I remember it, last day of 4th grade, girls were scrawny beings that dressed funny and had cooties.

    first day of 5th grade, half the girls had sprouted, and Sue Herald caught up with Annette Funicello.

    never did see a cootie

  2. Parent picks up child. And tosses in the wood chipper.

    Because need job. Because need socializing. Because Holy Mother State said so. Because, because, be-cause…

    I. Don’t. Care.

    If you’re unhappy that your attacks on your own children are damaging… please to kill yourself.

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