Special Grand Jury is Investigating Loudoun County’s Cover-Up of Trans School Bathroom Rapes – IOTW Report

Special Grand Jury is Investigating Loudoun County’s Cover-Up of Trans School Bathroom Rapes

National File-

A special grand jury has been convened to investigate Loudoun County Public Schools’ handling of the serial rapes committed by a “gender-fluid male” who donned a skirt and was allowed to use the girls’ restroom. The grand jury comes after Governor Glenn Youngkin ordered Virginia’s AG to investigate the troubled school district, where officials engaged in a documented cover-up of the rapes to protect the left-wing, pro-trans policies they had enacted.

Loudoun County’s public school system, once considered to be one of the best in the nation, has met disgrace after the pro-trans policies its school board enacted led directly to the serial rape of their female students. A biological male who claimed to be gender-fluid and donned a skirt has been convicted of two school rapes in the county schools and court documents indicate that he has a third victim.


7 Comments on Special Grand Jury is Investigating Loudoun County’s Cover-Up of Trans School Bathroom Rapes

  1. I honestly do not understand. Are ruled different on school properties?

    Are parents not allowed to call the police themselves & report the incidents?

    Are the police not obligated to investigate regardless?

    If they find enough evidence, can they not arrest?

    Regardless, I hope the parents sue & the board members get punished.

  2. @RadioMattM April 17, 2022 at 10:03 am

    > I know execution is asking too much

    If “we” let them call it something else… like “cabbage”… will you dream?

  3. Sounds like Loudoun County SB operates like the Catholic Church. They transferred this rapist from school to school, not to protect his victims but the him, hence the coverup.

  4. “Loudoun County’s public school system, once considered to be one of the best in the nation,…”

    By WHOM, and WHY?

    Probably by ANOTHER group of weirdos and pedos.

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