A convicted felon so crooked he needs a corkscrew to get into his pants – IOTW Report

A convicted felon so crooked he needs a corkscrew to get into his pants

Howie Carr:
Trooper laughing all the way to the bank.

Meet the DeJongs, father and son, both former State Police troopers.

If at this late date you still don’t understand just how profoundly corrupt Massachusetts is, consider the tale of the two DeJongs.

Daren, age 60, is a convicted felon, so crooked he needs a corkscrew to get into his trousers in the morning.

While on the now-defunct Troop E, he embezzled more than $63,000 in federal funds for Turnpike overtime he didn’t work.

He pleaded guilty in 2019, yet he remains unsentenced to this very day. Despite his sordid criminal career, DeJong hasn’t served a single day in prison for his highway robbery.

Even more outrageous, he continues to collect his state-tax-free hack pension of $6,374 a month – which is $76,492 a year.

Next, consider his son, Nathan, age 30, with a spotless record on the job.

A week ago Friday, on April 8, Nathan S. DeJong ID #4108 received a “dishonorable discharge” from the State Police:

“On or about Jan. 19, 2022, in the city of Framingham, (he) did fail to conform to work standards established for the member’s rank, title or position. This occurred when Trooper DeJong failed to receive COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of continuing employment.”

In other words, he was terminated for refusing to submit to Gov. Charlie Baker’s insane obsession with getting a vaccine. He is out of work and unlikely to ever get another job in law enforcement, at least in the commonwealth. more

8 Comments on A convicted felon so crooked he needs a corkscrew to get into his pants

  1. Small timer.

    On this day, TAX DAY 2022, our benevolent government SENT UKRAINE 800 MILLION DOLLARS!



    I’m losing my fucking mind!!!

    If I could snap my fingers like Thanos all of DC would be vaporized.
    Do it Putin DOOOOO IIIITTTTT!!!!

  2. $800 million?

    What are they spending it on?

    (a) Monthly food boxes for old WWII surviving Jewish women.

    (b) Food and medicine for injured civilians and their pets.

    (c) Military hardware from European countries.

    (d) Military hardware (including shredding machines) from the United States.

    Pick (d)! Pick (d)!

  3. Don’t fret – that $800 Million will end up in the bank accounts of good ole American politicians (and their sycophants)! Have no fear that the Ukrainians are getting it.

    Just like all that money for the “poor” over the past 50 years – the “poor” never got a dime, but the politicians (and their sycophants) got rich.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. LBS,

    There is a guy on Y-tube called:

    The Dive with Jackson Hinkle

    he has a video: “Ex-UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter DEBUNKS Ukraine – Russia War Lies”

    Very interesting watch but about 1 hour.

    Scott Ritter seems to be very credible.

    Good luck, I suggest a few people check it out.

    One of his theories is the the Ukrainians are “Cleansing themselves” of Russian Ukrainians and staging their murders as acts performed by Russia.

    As he says “Ukrainian Russians” speak Russian differently than “Russian Russians”.

  5. Just read where one of Ukrainian Govt Crime syndicate overloads just plopped down $30.1 million on a new estate in Great Britain as slowpedosenilejoe was announcing his latest Easter bonus for the Bitme crime family from the $800 million given to the poor Ukrainians so they can play hide the funds for a rainy day. It’s good to be elitists when no one ever questions how presidential handouts are allocated or accounted for.LEZKO BRANDON!!!!!


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