Committee Term Limits Could Be Coming for The House – IOTW Report

Committee Term Limits Could Be Coming for The House


House Republicans are considering term limits for committee chairmen and ranking members, a move that could curb many influential Democrats’ power under a potential Republican House majority.

House Republicans already have term limits within the GOP Conference, but adopting the potential rule could significantly curb many potential Democrat ranking members. More

7 Comments on Committee Term Limits Could Be Coming for The House

  1. I have to be the cynic. No, not THAT Cynic. I like the idea, but is this another case of the Republicans shooting themselves in the foot? You know the Dems will just reverse it when they get power back (and they will). Another question – will the term limits be permanent? By that I mean if someone is term-limited out of a committee, can they get back on it next year? If so, what is the point?

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