Delta Flight Attendant Sings “Throw Away Your Mask” After Mandate Lifted – IOTW Report

Delta Flight Attendant Sings “Throw Away Your Mask” After Mandate Lifted

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8 Comments on Delta Flight Attendant Sings “Throw Away Your Mask” After Mandate Lifted

  1. Flew on Delta a month ago. I kept pulling my mask down below my nose and the flight attendant just smiled at me and said nothing. I could tell their employees were sick of the two year-old charade.

  2. I flew on Delta in Sept. The stew fussed at me for nursing my coffee, mask off. I thought “you don’t get to treat me this way. I am done with airlines” which was synonamous with “I am done with being in the labor force”. And I have checked out of the labor force. So the government did not have the authority to impose the mask mandate you say? Do you, Judge, mean to say the government violated our liberty for 2 years without authority? Isn’t that against the law? I withdraw my consent.

  3. Don’t forget, white men are still under attack. Just flew from LA to Philly. Had mask on the whole time except while actively sipping a Coke. I had fully played by the rules. I would put the mask back up after each sip. Still got yelled at by some obviously man hating lefty with colored hair and attitude to put my mask back up while I was actively drinking. They are still out there and if they smell a whif of conservative values, they hate all the more…


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