Former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin accused the state Republican Party of “elitism” following an alleged “backroom deal” for the party to endorse another candidate to fill the seat of late GOP Alaska Rep. Don Young.
Palin announced on April 1 that she would seek election to Young’s seat in Congress. Alaska has one member of the House of Representatives. The former governor quickly gained support for her congressional bid, earning former President Donald Trump’s endorsement within two days of her declaration.
The Alaska GOP Central Committee opted for one of Palin’s opponents, Nick Begich III, earning sharp condemnation from the former governor.
“Most of the delegates hadn’t even arrived in Fairbanks yet before news arrived that a backroom deal had already been struck for an endorsement from state party politicos picking a Democrat scion – who has supported, contributed to, voted for, and rooted on hard-core Democrats and RINOs – as the Party’s standard bearer,” Palin said. “This predictable action of the Party establishment proves that the old boys’ network is alive and well in Alaska, but the only endorsement that matters is the one from the Alaskan people on June 11.”
The state party emphasized that their endorsement was not exclusive, but more a stamp of approval.
She should do what the communist Murkowski did, and run as an independent.
“Bush Republicans” still have very much power. AS Mitch and Kev have proved for 2 years!
GWB clearly won the Electoral vote but his 47.9% came in second on the popular vote. Bush and his men are not, and never have ben popular with conservatives. For 50 years conservatives were called “Swing voters”; then for 30 years we were called “Ronny Dems”. . We are no the majority; but without us you will find it hard tow win the popular vote. Congressional elections are popular vote elections. Bush Republicans are almost guaranteeing Dem control of Congress next year!
loyuh-blowjob system still runs America
Blowjobs anyone? Free! Oh come on man!
^^^^^^Why are you guys including our VP in this discussion?
The GOP is dead to me. I vote by individuals.
Sarah can’t even give it away, next!
Sarah Palin. Bane of “left-wing” feminism.
Knight on whites, knight on.