Moderna’s Booster Is “New and Improved” – IOTW Report

Moderna’s Booster Is “New and Improved”

Great news for those who’ve read recent reports on deadly nature of Moderna’s high dose mRNA COVID vaccine. Here

Moderna’s booster vaccine is now “new and improved” and can target two variants of the virus at once. Here

29 Comments on Moderna’s Booster Is “New and Improved”

  1. “The drugmaker said its “bivalent””


    It targets your heart AND your immune system!

    Two adverse reactions for the price of one!

    …And all for a seasonal flu with a 99.999% survival rate that’s so subtle that you need a fake test to even know you HAVE it…

  2. SNS April 23, 2022 at 8:11 pm

    “Two adverse reactions for the price of one!”

    “…And all for a seasonal flu with a 99.999% survival rate that’s so subtle that you need a fake test to even know you HAVE it…”

    Absolutely. Right on the money! Couldn’t say it better myself.

  3. Not just deader, N. Conclusive. 25% moar deader in 10% less passage of time (important). But, double your pleasure and double your fun, with two – TWO! – shots in one!!

  4. Always a no. No matter what you say about the next one you offer. My genes are fine just like God made them.

    I started taking care of an Alzheimer’s care center this month. The receptionist is required to take my temp when I first arrive to do my thing.

    The first three visits I was asked if I had a shot.

    On the third visit, I told her I will never take a shot, so just put NO down every time I go through this process.

    “I forget”

    Not for long, honey. Not for long. I’m taking care of this place for a year now, at least. You’re going to get to know me at some point. I’m infectious like that.

  5. Well it’s obvious that the readers here are pretty well plugged in.

    I saw somewhere it’s estimated 60 million Americans didn’t get any shots so that’s about 1 out of 6.

    Big crowd of go alongs out there.

  6. The most common side effects are baldness, memory loss, incontinence, 2nd degree burns, dizziness, hallucinations, memory loss, an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, or death.


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