Could this be the first-ever cat video? – IOTW Report

Could this be the first-ever cat video?

ht/ illustr8r

20 Comments on Could this be the first-ever cat video?

  1. OK, the old video was cool. Looks like the little girl was in a wheelchair, probably the result of polio.
    But, oh my, Pinky the Cat was hysterical!!!
    I wonder how the whole adoption thing went?

  2. @ Agatha Kakalogical: Animal Control in Placerville, CA does 1 of 2 things. They will spay and neuter and turn them back into the wild to remain feral, or they put them down. Either way, Pinky is history. Hilarious video, I can feel the Animal Control guys pain.

  3. @Goldenfoxx
    Thanks for the background information.
    Pinky may be at the Great Scratching Post in the sky (modeled, oddly enough, after animal control officer Carl Pritchard’s leg), but the interwebs is forever!


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