New Pooping Protocol For Hikers – IOTW Report

New Pooping Protocol For Hikers


For a long time, the standard protocol for hikers and campers who had to poop in the woods was to bury it in what’s known as a “cat hole,” writes Krista Langlois at Outside. But with more people than ever on the trails, a new sentiment is taking hold: It’s time for people to pack up their waste and bring it out with them. Langlois’ essay rounds up the grisly details. For one thing, those cat holes—six inches deep and 200 feet from water—have never been particularly good about keeping pathogens in human waste from leaching into the soil and spreading from there. But with relatively few people in the woods, they were good enough, even if they were more about getting waste out of sight than anything else.

Things are different now, as the number of people using public lands has “exploded” in the last few decades. Today, unburied waste—aka “surface turds” to those in the know—and discarded toilet paper are all too familiar sights. More and more, parks are suggesting people bring WAG bags (“waste alleviation and gelling” bags) to pack up their waste, and Langlois’ piece details some options. “Honestly, bringing WAG bags on every backcountry excursion and carrying days’ worth of your own poop out of the wilderness on a multiday trip is not appealing,” writes Langlois. “But ultimately, it’s less gross than eating, sleeping, and playing on poop-filled public lands.”


43 Comments on New Pooping Protocol For Hikers

  1. This message brought to you by the same degenerate pieces of subhuman shit responsible for the “homeless” Shitting and pissing wherever and whenever damn well please.

  2. My niece & her family live in Alaska.They are as OUTDOORSY as you can get. Hunting, fishing, camping out. They smoke the salmon that they catch & freeze the meat of the moose & caribou they hunt. They respect the wildlife and don’t leave a mess behind.

  3. I can just see the look on the park rangers & OPP when they pull you over.

    It used to be that they would come up to your site & harass you for having alcohol. I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when they route through the vehicle & find a bag of wet Camping Shit. Tee Hee.

  4. If this idea is anything like the blue bags for picking up dog crap, most people will pick up the crap when people are watching, and then just toss the bag to the side of the trail when no one is looking. I see it all the time.

  5. Makes sense – and likely will allow some areas to open to more people. Minor hassle if you prepare properly.

    Did a 5-day river raft many years ago with scouts and parents. Day 1 the guides explained the ‘honey pot’ – because those rivers get so much human traffic that the amount of feces would be ridiculous without them. We had 5 rafts, so the deal was everyone got it one day. Naturally the scouts resisted, particularly the older ones in two of the rafts. So they got the honey pot the last two days, when the aroma was especially pungent!

  6. It has been all the rage for filthy disgusting Seattle and Portland progs to have their offspring running around in pants with no crotch in them the last two decades. That should tell you all you need to know about prog sincerity. I was in Borders Books ~ 1999 and saw one of them drop a load on the carpet and walk off. I was telling the management when someone came up and said that a dog had crapped on the floor. When I set the record straight the poor woman simply could not believe it. I can promise you that wouldn’t be the case today.

  7. I usually mail my bags of excrement to the current residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave or to select members of Congress. AOC even sent me a thank you note for the Snickers bar I sent her. She said it was delicious.

  8. I want to do that over…..

    In days of old and Knights were bold, and
    toilets weren’t invented, they left their loads
    upon the roads and went away contented. 🙂

  9. TRF: 70,000,000,000 bodies. (Estimate of the number of human beings who have lived. Don’t ask for a reference!)

    Although lately, because of cremation, many have been burned, thus depositing their ions in the atmosphere to be precipitated out on the Earth’s surface, thereby incorporating their nutrients in the soil.

    This, of course, leads directly to the old adage:

    In days of old when Knights were bold,
    and maidens weren’t particular,
    they stood them up against a wall,
    and screwed them perpendicular.

  10. @ Goldenfoxx APRIL 25, 2022 AT 7:18 PM

    In days of old when knights were bold and paper not invented… They rubbed their arse with bits of grass and walked away contented

  11. Wait a minute. Isn’t this just fertilizer?
    I worked on a farm and spread manure on the fields with the spreader. In many cases I could see the nearby streams as I did it.

  12. When it comes to just plain dirt, the dirt itself is poop.

    Earthworms don’t just tunnel through dirt, they eat it, extract the organic and mineral nutrients they need, and crap the remainder out the back end. Some Brit naturalist took the average number of earthworms per acre, how long earthworms have been around, and the rate at which those worms eat, and calculated that every bit of dirt on Great Britain had passed through the gut of a worm seven times.

  13. in days of old, when knights were bold,
    & rubbers weren’t invented,
    they tied a sock around their cock
    & babies were prevented

    thanks for the thread hijack Goldenfoxx … it was going to crap 🙂

  14. @Uncle Al ~ ” … every bit of dirt on Great Britain had passed through the gut of a worm seven times.”

    that’s one big ‘effin’ earthworm!

  15. My ‘secret’ for enjoying nature. Go where the other people don’t. For every ‘attraction’ there are at least a million other places to enjoy. The first fundamental is, is there a trail, well marked and used? If so, don’t go there. Is there a sign that says ‘Glaciers will be gone by 2020’? Don’t go there. Are there fifty cars parked under signs that say ‘leave no valuables in your car’ with a couple of cars having broken windows? Don’t go there. Now to get a little biblical, is the trail broad and smooth, with easy walking and little incline or is it narrow, steep and rocky? You choose. A long time ago I found a fellow out in the woods, I was actually shocked to see him so far off the beaten path we were. He was dead lost, had not the slightest idea where he was. I walked him out to the road, about three miles, and pointed him toward civilization. Then we walked to my truck and I took him down to town.

  16. @Anonymous SubPrime ~ How do the bears handle the situation?

    bear & a rabbit leaning against a tree taking a crap in the woods.
    bear looks over to the rabbit & says, “you ever have trouble w/ crap sticking to your fur?”
    rabbit thinks a moment & says, “no, can’t ever recall that happening.”
    bear says, “good!” … picks up the rabbit & wipes his ass!

    funniest animal joke ever! … next to The Signified Monkey

  17. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – They must have had a Fauci around back then because a sock on the cock would be even more uncomfortable and less effective than the wuhan masks.

  18. The dust in most arid regions that give the sky a brownish tone is poop. Hike across the Serengeti? You’re breathing in poop from a billion animals. New Delhi? Worse! The Arab Peninsula? You guessed it.

    Your whole life is about creating poop. The rest is just details.

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