Future Eagle Scouts Will Have to Earn New “Woke” Merit Badge – IOTW Report

Future Eagle Scouts Will Have to Earn New “Woke” Merit Badge


On November 1, 2021, the Boy Scouts of America launched the Citizenship in Society merit badge, its newest Eagle Scout-required merit badge for youth in the Scouts BSA program (ages 11-17).

Like every other merit badge Scouts earn, this merit badge encourages Scouts to embark on a journey of discovery. In this case, it’s a journey of self-discovery. They will explore a variety of topics around diversity, equity and inclusion, and they will discuss how they apply their findings to life as a Scout and good citizen in society. More

The requirements Here

42 Comments on Future Eagle Scouts Will Have to Earn New “Woke” Merit Badge

  1. The Boys Scouts of America is/was a pedo’s fantasy playground!
    The pedos and their supporters are what bankrupted the Boy Scouts!
    Embrace the pedos and groomers, they’ve already broke you from the inside.
    Fools & predators!

  2. The Gay Boy/Girl/Whatever Scouts is no place for ANY child.
    When I was a Scout we were led and supervised by men and their wives who would have given their lives without hesitation to protect us. I never in my life felt more safe than I did in scout camps and meetings. And now I wouldn’t let a kid near those sick bastards. They are now a cancer.

  3. I would not be placing my child in the Soy Scouts as it is now. It’s just another aspect of the communist revolution, one that indoctrinates the youth in the ways of woke. Even more a magnet for pedos nowadays.

  4. What is Called Good today was just So far from even imaginable when I was young. The writing was on the wall when queers were allowed to be Troop Leaders.

  5. You start out as a Cub wearing those stupid uniforms like little Nazis. Didn’t want it when I was 7 and never gave it a thought when my sons were that age. I knew some Scouts in school and I actually knew more and could do more than any of them. Parents and grandparents are the best teachers.

    (I know, “Not everyone is lucky enough to have parents and grandparents like you, General…” and on and on.)

  6. My scoutmaster was a phenomenal leader, an Eagle Scout himself and started my troop when he was in his early 30s. He wrote a great book about the experience of being a scoutmaster (including his father’s experiences) in the early 50s called Be Prepared, under a pseudonym because he knew he could lose his scoutmastership if they found him out.
    He was one of the few who recognized that the program was phenomenal, but he wanted to run it his way. My troop won every competition at the National Jamboree, only 10 years after it was formed – and BSA asked him not to compete any more. Every scout in our troop who earned Eagle Scout – and there were many – felt that their Eagle was superior to most others, because in most troops every night is Advancement Night while in mine there was plenty of opportunity but you had to do it yourself.
    We have only had two scoutmasters. His replacement, and current scoutmaster (although in his late 70s) had a decent appreciation of what his predecessor had accomplished, and reasonably maintained it, using the BSA program while not spending much time interacting with other troops. But he is fairly woke.
    I read through the requirements for this badge last year. With the right counselor it could come out okay… but it is designed like a CRT program that claims it isn’t. Of course when I moved to Colorado I moved away from my troop, but I think this merit badge may be the final straw that keeps me away from scouting wherever I live.

  7. A firefighter, A Scoutmaster, & a Democrat are trapped in a burning building with 20 children.
    The Firefighter yells, “Save the Children!”
    The Scoutmaster yells, “Fuck The Children!”
    The Democrat yells, “Do you think we have enough Time?”

    Works for Priests too…

  8. Dan…..wow..

    I still have my uniform, sash, belt and kerchiefs. I still sorta’ occasionally throw a couple bucks to the local troops.

    But you’re in it to win it. If you’re cutting out….wow. Head spinning.

  9. If I were the scoutmaster, this would be one of those “gimme” badges that doesn’t mean anything that everyone gets on the first night. And then you sew it on upside down.

    Don’t know how it is today. Don’t know how it was “back then”. I was in a bad troop. Other parents complained about our troop. We were pretty much the Bad News Bears. We would have goofed on and stolen the sash from anybody sporting this merit badge.

    Wish they had a Juvenile Detention badges. We would have racked those up like 50 mile afloat/afoot awards.

  10. 69 yeras go I was Webelos; 39 years ago my son was. After the leftist President – by “semi secret” EO’s – made them “unisex” 20 years ago; my grand sons said no. And i agree!

  11. @Burr – the interesting thing about BSA policy on merit badges:
    1. You have to be a counselor for that badge, registered with your council. (and of course youth protection training)
    2. You have to follow every BSA requirement as it is, no changes.
    3. Once you sign the ‘blue card’ the scout has earned it – nobody else is allowed to check. So your suggestion would be against the rules, but nobody could check it. Catch-22!

  12. Eagle Scout here. Philmont staffer. Earned all my palms. Scouting completely changed my life for the better. I was part of a great troop and was able to participate in scouting when it was still decent. Married with kids of my own now, but I sold ALL my old scout gear, including rare badges, when the Ernst and Young CEO started to jack around with things. I saw where it was all headed. I really had to grieve the fact that scouting was as good as dead. And it is. The BSA is dead.

  13. Dan…..if I’m the Scoutmaster……B.S.A. “rules’ would be more like….”guidelines or helpful suggestions”.

    No one signs up for scouting to deal with b.s. Kidz join because you get to do fun stuff like setting fires and playing with knives.

    I’m down for that and also helping kidz slide through bureaucratic loopholes in order go do the fun stuff.

  14. Got it.

    Outlaw or Bandit troops. Just like in the M.C.world. Kidz will fly a 1% patch and do everything old school. Fuck the modern BSA.

    Totes illegal which makes it more appealing. The goal being to make ALL troops outlaw troops until the home office figures things out or is burned to the ground.

    It wasn’t ME that fucked up the Boy Scouts. Why should I let these douche canoes dictate what is or isn’t “official”? I ain’t seen none of those fat fucks camping or hiking or riding horses or shootin’ gunz outdoors. The fuck they gonna’ do?

  15. Call it….”Traditional Scouting”. That sounds user friendly.

    Oh…and as an aside….you don’t get to bag on bikes if YOU DON’T EVEN RIDE.

    Tricycle ridin’ mofo.

  16. But that does give me an idea for a cool merit badge. Motorcycle scootin’.

    Also….bomb makin’
    Gun shootin’
    advanced auto skillz(hotwireing and whatnot)

    Whatever else is cool. Ax throwing I guess.

  17. O.K. troop, today we’re gonna’ learn about haters. A hater is someone who can’t do what you do, so they hate you for your ability and skill.

    “Thompson, what you do wid haterz?”
    Thompson “flip em’ da bird?”
    Me “exactly, flip them the bird.”

    And since we’re talking motorcycles….”Corky, why do bikes leak oil?”

    “Mufuhers too lazy to change out they gasket seals?”
    “Damn skippy, Corky. Lazy mofoin’ haterz too lazy to change out their gasket seals. What do we call mofo’s like dat?”

    Everyone “BOY SCOUTZ”

  18. ““Mufuhers too lazy to change out they gasket seals?”

    Starting to wonder if you really ride. Side cases come to mind. Really? British Castings suck, they have no planer seal and haven’t figured out how to create one. That’s why Jaguars leaked until Ford purchased them. Better good news. The Chinese are even worse.

  19. You just talkin’ ish’ because all them Spitfire drivers sittin’ behind Rolls Royce Merlin engines iz dead.

    You wonder if I really ride?

    I wonder if you’re Tammy half the time.

  20. chain-driven Harley’s weren’t exactly oil-tight machinery either, that I recollected during my misspent teen-age & early 20’s years. & me & my cousins had a few, or two. helped one of my cousins build a surplus CHP Harley he brought. came in a big crate packed in cosmoline. always gravitated to the Sporters. great bike for a teen/early 20’s cruiser … & it picked up a lot of girls in high school

    didn’t much care for the beezers, but did like the trumpet 650’s. fun little scoot for ripping around country roads. last one I had I lent it my brother-in-law & some old lady t-boned him at an intersection. he asked her why she hit him when she could clearly see him, & she said, “it was either you or that building & I chose you!” … nothing was broken but the bike.

  21. Look, if yer bike runs hot, you WILL warp your side covers. That’s why they make aftermarket parts. You change the gasket first. If that doesn’t fix it. Spend 50 bucks on a new cover.

    If I do this right…I can slide my troop right into the club when they hit 21.

  22. Besides, they can warp all they are capable of, after they’re bolted down they’re in a restrained condition and providing the original cut was planar, they should seal. And that right there’s the problem. This is why “And Then Came Bronson” was cancelled early. They couldn’t afford the oil.


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