The Queen of Cringe and Biden’s Ministry of Truth – IOTW Report

The Queen of Cringe and Biden’s Ministry of Truth

ht/ jd hasty

27 Comments on The Queen of Cringe and Biden’s Ministry of Truth

  1. So, let me get this straight…
    the insane people in the occupied White House are hiring even MORE insane people to run even MORE invasive made-up departments?

    And WE’RE the fascists. Right.

  2. Conservatives said 19 years ago when the leftist President created DHS it would be the UNIPARTY’s tool to harass and persecute conservatives. The last 15 years DHS has many times done just that! This is the latest in a long series of conservative hate from DHS,]. Conservatives were right 19 years ago! WE STILL ARE!

    If the GOP had been conservative 19 years ago there never would be a DHS.

  3. Ooh, you can dance, you can jive
    Having the time of your life
    Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene
    Digging the disinformation queen

    Apologies to ABBA

    PS Caitlyn Jenner wannabe?

  4. The laughable female version of the Biden sleazebag didn’t realize that Fidel Castro of Cuba (and now his brother), Russia, Ukraine, China, Germany and other abusive cruel dictatorships put into place the very same type of repressions of human rights. Add that it’s also an attempted erasure of the evidence trails leading to the human trafficker Joe Biden and his sewage family’s widespread corruption, and all at the expense of innocent civilian lives who he has stated to be nothing more than “collateral damage”.

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