Weather Underground Member, Kathy Boudin, Headed for The Underworld – IOTW Report

Weather Underground Member, Kathy Boudin, Headed for The Underworld

Fox News

Kathy Boudin, a member of the radical militant group Weather Underground and participant in a 1981 robbery that killed two police officers and a security guard, died of cancer on Sunday.

Boudin, 78, spent decades in prison for serving as the getaway driver in the October 1981 heist, in which members of her group teamed up with the Black Liberation Army to rob an armored truck carrying cash. More

20 Comments on Weather Underground Member, Kathy Boudin, Headed for The Underworld

  1. I learned everything I needed to know about this POS from David Horowitz’ book, Radical Son.
    A great read. I can’t recommend it enough.

  2. @F.D.R. in Hell, thank you for the update; I always enjoy hearing of how people they are doing there. I hope they are being served rancid eggs and bacon sprinkled with ecoli. Lol!

  3. But, you see, its Right Wing White Supremacist Nazi Hitler Lovers who are the real domestic terrorists. The NYT and all the networks tell us that is so.

  4. The article here failed to state this important fact – just so you know who the Boudinsa are:

    Weather Underground terrorist Kathy Boudin died today from cancer. She was 78. Kathy is mother of Chesa Boudin, the current San Francisco District Attorney who was raised by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn after his mother was sent to prison.

    Bill Ayers raised Boudin, the DA in San Francisco, and is soon to be recalled as DA. Too bad his jail bird mother didn’t get to see it happen.

  5. @ Jerry

    Unfortunately, all recording devices are prohibited down here. I had to have this Avatar smuggled out in some gangster’s wooden leg.

  6. Goldenfoxx…

    Chesa’s old man is still in prison…so one out of two ain’t bad.

    Hey, FDR…is Bill “Guilty As Hell-Free As A Bird” Ayers on Satan’s On-Deck List yet? Asking for America.

  7. and Lucifer said, Well, Hello there and welcome, first week for all new comers is in the barrel, here are your knee pads. as he hands her a package of 50 grit sand paper.


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