Democrat shoppers visit a Walgreens in San Francisco – IOTW Report

Democrat shoppers visit a Walgreens in San Francisco

Libs Of TikTok has the video

13 Comments on Democrat shoppers visit a Walgreens in San Francisco

  1. Black criminals have been conditioned to not consider themselves criminal at all.

    Taking from whitey is perfectly justified and encouraged in the black community.

    The lack of arrest, bail, and prosecution is just more Demonrat conditioning to guarantee that the majority of blacks stay on the plantation.

    The whole concept is to tear down all the norms of a civil society and ignite a race war.

    The idea is to allow the inner city apes to rampage, steal, and kill. Demonrats don’t care that the effects of crime or the societal backlash will fall on inner city blacks.

    The are just using the black race as the slaves they still are to their Demonrat masters.


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