Not sure why this was posted with a “haha” – IOTW Report

Not sure why this was posted with a “haha”

15 Comments on Not sure why this was posted with a “haha”

  1. yep, just another typical day in beautiful downtown NYC. where dogs get electrocuted daily just by walking on improperly grounded manhole covers.

    their infrastructure has been so dug up, laid down, dug over, laid over, dug under, buried, re-buried & re-buried so many times no one can fix it. sewers collapse on a regular basis. water lines constantly break. electrical lines are so compromised as to be a disaster in the making … & don’t get me started on the gas lines.

    seriously, the only way to fix this mess it to dig it all up, bury it all & start over w/ some central planning … never gonna happen … until someone w/ the ball of DJT comes along & grabs the bull by the tail & faces the situation

    like I said … never gonna happen.
    (for reference watch ‘Brazil’, written & directed by Terry Gilliam of Monty Python)


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