The Blue Check Hysterics are Melting Down – IOTW Report

The Blue Check Hysterics are Melting Down

Patriot Retort-

The Blue Check hysterics hadn’t even stopped screeching over Elon Musk buying Twitter and already they have something new to screech about.

Honestly, I haven’t seen this level of over-the-top histrionics from the Blue Check hysterics on Twitter since the wee hours of November 9, 2016.

Some activist working as a Supreme Court clerk leaked the draft of Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion on the Mississippi abortion law case last night and instantly the Blue Check hysterics screeching about Musk just days ago started screeching that abortion is about to be “overturned.”

Guys, if you’re going to start melting down about the contents of a draft opinion, perhaps you should at least be accurate about it.

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Mississippi, it won’t “overturn abortion,” you ass cracks.

What it would do is leave abortion law in the hands of each individual state.

Some states already made abortion legal up to birth, including my garbage state of New York.

Here in New York, a doctor or midwife can be in the middle of telling the mother “Deep breath, and PUSH!” and Mom can say, “You know what? On second thought, kill it,” and it would be totally legal.

If the SCOTUS decision nullifies Roe v. Wade, it would remain totally legal in the state of New York to kill your child at any stage of pregnancy for any reason you want.

That may come as a shock to anyone who only gets their news from CNN or MSNBC, or heaven forbid the screeching Blue Check hysterics on Twitter. But there you go. Overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn’t make abortion illegal in the United States. more

14 Comments on The Blue Check Hysterics are Melting Down

  1. All smoke and mirrors, you won’t notice when they send another $33 BILLION, to their network in Ukraine and import some more afghans.
    And of course, 10% for the big guy.

  2. The leftisphere is already in full meltdown because of the leaked draft from SCOTUS. This sounds like more winning to me.
    This law clerk, Elizabeth Deutsch,(Douche) sure looks like the culprit.
    If so then the justice department better fry her ass because she just created a catalyst for riots all over the nation.

  3. The lefties like centralized one size fits all guvment. Hence their new keyword on this is “patchwork”. I like patchworks of law, each state being its own crucible of the people, just as the founders intended.

  4. The Left is going to absolutely implode this November.
    And they will insist even louder that they know and are the will of the people. Evidence is irrelevant, always has been.

  5. Could be that every woman who has an abortion even if having doubts going into it turns into a great defender of it? Misery loves company sort of thing plus having to quell the voice of a guilty conscience for having taken an innocent life. Kill that guilt, bury that pain by committing moral suicide and drowning in the sea of progressive liberal ideology hopelessly hoping to feel better?

  6. I’m pretty sure the document was leaked because they were told to leak it by the higher-ups.
    It clearly knew they were going to stir up trouble and distraction with this.
    Orchestration is their game.
    Professional Protesters at the supreme Court as the document was leaked.

  7. Dan Bongino and others yesterday suggested that the Supreme Court should just immediately release their opinion on Roe v Wade in order to keep the SC judges who voted yes from being intimidated or physically and violently attacked by the beserker’s on the left. And I 100% agree. Pray for the 5 courageous justices and especially Clarenc Thomas that the bastards on the left don’t get to them like they did to Antonin Scalia.

  8. Anna of the Young Turks was hysterically screeching about paying for childcare. If you don’t want a child to take care of, Anna, either keep your legs closed or use birth control…and abortion is not a birth control method.


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