It’s Bidenflation, not Roe v. Wade – IOTW Report

It’s Bidenflation, not Roe v. Wade

Howie Carr:

The Deep State keeps trying to change the subject — abortion! free speech on Twitter! Ukraine! Jan. 6! student loan forgiveness for deadbeat Democrats! – but the only issue that is going to matter in November is inflation.

Or should I say, Bidenflation.

The Democrats are setting up a new Ministry of Truth to trash the First Amendment, but the Beautiful People’s thought police can’t cancel the skyrocketing prices at the supermarkets, or at the gas pumps.

And if you’ve checked out your 401(K) or IRA statements recently, don’t. Because you’re going to be very, very sad.

Every week, I ask my listeners what they could like to thank “Brandon” for. They are never at a loss for words. Their wallets may increasingly be empty, but their rage grows ever hotter.

Let’s go straight to the phone and text lines:

Area code 603: “Just at Market Basket. Almost dropped dead at the price of eggs! $4.59 for 18-pack. Up almost 2 bucks. Thanks again Brandon!

13 Comments on It’s Bidenflation, not Roe v. Wade

  1. The Rats real problem is that all their distractions ~~SQUIRREL!~~ are additional failures, iow more reasons to detest them and their stupid ideologies.

    They keep digging and Americans better be smart and kick them down into the grave they dug themselves. Or prepare to dive into that grave themselves.

  2. Strange that a hunter is limited on how many animals they can kill but women can kill all the babies they want. If they get pregnant 4 times a year they can kill all 4. I still think they should have to kill them with their bare hands and not let a doctor do it. How many would change their mind?

  3. Anyone that believes inflation is 8.5% is crazy. The CPI is manipulated such that using the same basket of consumables that was used in the Carter/Reagan inflation run up would get us an inflation rate over 18%.

    And I don’t know about you but even 18% doesn’t cover a lot of the items I purchase. The government lies about everything. EVERYTHING.

    I see the Fed is going to raise interest .5% to curb inflation. What a fucking joke. They’ve printed 40% of all of the money ever printed in our history in the last 2 years. Every one of those dollars is now owned by someone. There’s no taking them back. They’ve diluted the value and adding a .5% point isn’t going to do shit. In fact, it’s only going to make it worse.

    And soon enough, and we all see it happening in slow motion, you just won’t be able to get some things at all.

  4. I bought one steak, one chicken, a pkg of chicken breasts and some burger and it was almost $100!
    Milk is up from $2.79 to $5 gal.
    We are at 1\2 tank of oil and our hot water is off the furnace so we need to keep the tank filled. That’s going to be $600+.

    Howie’s right. All their lame attempts at distraction can’t hide the bills.

  5. The HUMAN TRAFFICKER & INFLATION PROMOTER JOE BIDEN is responsible for (more) criminal acts and is hiding behind other issues. The main reason why he ordered the Roe-Wade ‘leak’ in advance to confuse, distract, and cause mayhem. He didn’t get the level of carnage he desired from the bogus covid-vax matter and is creating other distractions to hide behind.

  6. Any guesses on who leaked the SCOTUS news? Mine is the new kid on the block. Defends perverts and lies to your face. Enough reason for me to bet it’s her.

  7. Inflation doesn’t bother ME none!

    I’m still Democrat all the way!

    And funny thing is, for some reason, every time I count your votes, the count says most of YOU are TOO!

    well, at least 81 millions’ worth.

    Funny, innit?


  8. Rising prices are bad enough, but when stuff becomes unavailable at any price—and it is starting—the Uniparty PermaGov is going to wish it hadn’t sent all the heavy weapons to Ukraine.

  9. Everyone can vote in November. Because after “ALL” the votes are counted (including the few thousand per precinct that were found in someone’s trunk) the Democrats will still win.

  10. if you’ve checked out your 401(K) or IRA statements recently

    This. This is why your neighbors will weep. As they salute (and wave the flag, like holy water, for) the foreigners and grifters, loading you into boxcars.

    After you demand The Right(TM) of your neighbors (well… you label it “everybody’s”… but it’s your neighbors’) 401(K) and IRAs.

    You. Will. Not. Be. Missed.
    (mostly. unmarked graves are hard to piss on. but a million monkeys. with a million bladders. can cover a lot of ground.)

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