Karine Jean-Pierre to replace Psaki as White House press secretary – IOTW Report

Karine Jean-Pierre to replace Psaki as White House press secretary

The Hill-

The White House announced Thursday that Karine Jean-Pierre will replace Jen Psaki as White House press secretary in the coming week.

Jean-Pierre, the current the principal deputy press secretary, will become the first openly gay person and first Black woman to hold the role of White House press secretary. The White House said that Jean-Pierre would assume the position on May 13.  

“Karine not only brings the experience, talent and integrity needed for this difficult job, but she will continue to lead the way in communicating about the work of the Biden-Harris Administration on behalf of the American people,” President Biden said in a statement. “Jill and I have known and respected Karine a long time and she will be a strong voice speaking for me and this Administration.”


From NBC-

Karine Jean-Pierre, senior adviser to the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris campaign, has a clear picture in her mind of the kind of impact the two could have on LGTBQ equality if they were to win the election.

“The sun was setting and the lights got much more prominent,” Jean-Pierre said, thinking back to late June 2015, when she watched the White House lit in rainbow colors to mark the historic Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. “People had signs and people were crying, and there was just so much joy.”

“I remember thinking how proud I was of this administration, that I had worked for that,” Jean-Pierre, an Obama campaign and former White House staffer, said. “It really brought together, in that one moment, how important LGBTQ rights were and how much that administration fought for our rights.”

Come November, she hopes a win for the Biden-Harris campaign will lay the groundwork for similar moments for LGBTQ people like herself.


32 Comments on Karine Jean-Pierre to replace Psaki as White House press secretary

  1. It’s the biden white house so ya know she got the job because of her sex and color. Her resume means nothing because she’s an affirmative action hire.

  2. “…about the work of the Biden-Harris Administration on behalf of the American people, President Biden said…”

    On behalf of the who?

    THIS devolved Administration has got to stop, terminate, end, conclude, finish, die, fade, just GO, PERIOD!

  3. …Karine not only brings the experience, talent and integrity needed for this difficult job, but she will continue to lead the way…

    Integrity? For White House Press Sec’y that’s a disqualification. WTF?

    In the famous words of I. Montoya, “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.”

  4. Putting a gen-u-whine “Karen” as the press secretary. (don’t care how she spells or pronounces it)
    That will be fun to watch, record, and meme – all with the hashtag “Karen”.
    I need to stock up on more popcorn and liquid libations.

  5. @Sabre22 — No big deal. I’m already labeled a racist anyway, so that changes nothing!

    NB: The reason I’ve been called a racist is that I make an honest attempt to treat every person as an individual and not as a conforming member of a collective.

  6. Another pitiful African having to navigate the horrible systemic racism of this country! My heart bleeds for her and the fact that the racism will never go away! We owe it to her, and all her woe begotten soul mates, to repatriate them back to their county of origin where they can find peace, harmony, equality and love among their own culture and race!

  7. Black? Check
    Female? Check
    Gay? Check

    That’s the leftist hat trick.

    How shallow does this administration think we are?
    No need for an answer. They think we are morons, just like the p(resident*).

  8. Xiden Admin. staff are interchangeable leftist tools with various degrees of stupidity, hypocrisy and evil.
    The “first” black, gay, female U.S. Press Secretary means virtue signaling/political pandering matters over job qualifications. Jean-Pierre will make the same lame brain, tone deaf, idiot statements as her predecessor. Nothing changed.

  9. Little does the transmutant monster woman know that Joe Bides hates homos and promotes the murder of all black babies—-while he pretends to advocate the ‘black lives matter’ zombie horde and pro-baby killing.


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