A shadowy left-wing group operating under the moniker ‘Ruth Sent Us’ is asking activists to target Supreme Court justices at their homes – IOTW Report

A shadowy left-wing group operating under the moniker ‘Ruth Sent Us’ is asking activists to target Supreme Court justices at their homes

Meet The Shady Left-Wing Group Targeting SCOTUS Justices And Their Families.

Federalist: A shadowy left-wing group operating under the moniker “Ruth Sent Us” is asking activists to target Supreme Court justices who may overturn Roe v. Wade with demonstrations at their private homes.

On Thursday, the group published the alleged home locations of the six conservative justices who heard Mississippi’s request to return the abortion debate to the states by overturning the 1973 decision. A February draft opinion leaked to Politico on Monday revealed five out of the six, Justices Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch, were planning to vote to overturn the Roe decision with Chief Justice John Roberts remaining undecided. Each of their homes is targeted for protests between now and Wednesday.

“Our 6-3 extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights,” reads the group’s website. “We must rise up to force accountability using a diversity of tactics.”

Stipends are being offered to artists who join the march. Payment and compensation were also offered to protesters who came to Washington to disrupt the constitutional proceedings at the Senate to confirm Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.

The organizing group’s leadership remains concealed on its website, even though it uses a .us URL. Websites with a .us URL are unusual, and according to Wired in 2005, new registrants could not include privacy protection in .us domain name purchases. RuthSent.us, however, redacted information related to its owners’ purchase. Another online domain tool, “WHOIS,” revealed the name Sam Spiegel as its registrant along with a P.O. box. more

21 Comments on A shadowy left-wing group operating under the moniker ‘Ruth Sent Us’ is asking activists to target Supreme Court justices at their homes

  1. I hate the left and rabid pro aborts; they are going full demonic in their evil support of not overturning Roe v Wade. I have been confronted both physically and verbally by these bastards when I rescued with Operation Rescue in the mid 90’s. Proaborts are truly evil, demonic no-good jackasses.

  2. FYI “whois ruthsent.us”:

    Domain Information
    Registrar:Google LLC
    Registered On:2020-11-02
    Expires On:2022-11-02
    Updated On:2021-11-07
    Name Servers:ns-cloud-b1.googledomains.com
    Registrant Contact
    Name:Sam Spiegel
    Street:P. O. Box 61071
    City:Palo Alto
    Postal Code:94306

  3. …what’s funny is that these commies really CAN’T have reality beaten into them.

    …few years back, Federal judge, Occupy enabler, and despicable Democrat shithead Susan Dlott and her scum-sucking, bottom-feeding, (ACTUALLY) disbarred sleazy lawyer husband who made huge bank of the suffering of women with breast cancer…got the living snot beat out of them by some Obamason Didndus that she had probably freed shortly before that happened because, OWS. They terrorized them at gunpoint and broke bones, threw her waste of skin asshole husband down some stairs, stole their shit, and left, unfortunately not killing either one of them.


    …she had NO “come to Jesus” moment, NO Damascus Road revelation, no change whatsoever. Other than having the entire State security apparatus hunt those PARTICULAR guys down, she still inflicts many, MANY more just like them on US to this DAY, as Federal judges are appointed for LIFE, and their master the devil keeps them propped up a long, LONG time.

    …so, other than making more money for private security paid for at taxpayer expense for threatened judges, don’t expect them to LEARN anything from it.

    Besides, they already know that Scalia was murdered. It was done very sloppy as a warning to the REST of them, a Hillary Clinton trademark.

    So they will keep on, Communisting on.

    No matter who threatens them, or why.

    Because this country is run by people who actually DO kill SC judges.

    And they KNOW it.

  4. Seriously, these leftist scum are subhuman vermin who ALL need to be wiped from the face of the Earth. They will never leave us be until they’ve turned us all into their slaves of nihilism, perversion, and insanity.

  5. @SNS May 6, 2022 at 11:31 am

    Yet killing their households, for the silver coin they accepted, is Not Who We Are!(TM).

    You, do, understand why, even, your great-grandchildren, will not be missed? Don’t you?

  6. Leftist intimidation tactics worked against the SCOTUS right after the 2020 election so they will continue the strategy. It’s all part of their playbook.

  7. Uhhhhhh…Ruth doesn’t have that kind of authority where’s she’s toasty warm demons. You all should know that.

    I bet this group had help doxxing the six justices from inside the government types Captain Obvious!

  8. That shadowy and dark-web group happens to be the Democrat Party themselves, the very same people who promote violence (think Maxine Waters et al) and who deliberately supplied the leak to create violence and chaos.


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