Why is the White House Bragging About Conducting Military Operations in Ukraine to Kill Russians? – IOTW Report

Why is the White House Bragging About Conducting Military Operations in Ukraine to Kill Russians?


Does Joe Biden intend to take the U.S. into a direct war with Russia?  Perhaps because the only historic way out of a deep economic recession is a war or housing starts? Perhaps, because they need a bigger distraction from the political impact of their own policies?

Those questions need to be asked and answered quickly, because the White House is about to flip the switch from a “proxy war” into an actual hot war between the United States and Russia.  How do we know?  Because the Biden administration is openly bragging about their specific military operations inside Ukraine that are killing Russians.  Consider: read more

31 Comments on Why is the White House Bragging About Conducting Military Operations in Ukraine to Kill Russians?

  1. The arrogance and presumption of this gang is astounding. They must believe that war with Russia can be limited, brief, and bring down the Russian state to be replaced by a US hand-picked regime.

    My bet would be : wrong, wrong, and wrong.

    But, hey, if it helps the Dems save some seats in November, it will be worth any cost.

  2. RadioMattM
    MAY 6, 2022 AT 11:18 AM
    “ed: Joe doesn’t, his handlers do. Joe doessn’t have any idea of what he is doing.”

    …he knows he’s doing evil, even if he doesn’t know how or even why.

    That’s enough to keep him happy.

    Well, that, and a child to rape.

    See Romans 1 for a full description of what’s left of Pedo Joe’s mentality.

  3. Colluding with Russia to fight fight Russia…
    Only a dimwit with the mental agility of a small plant stand would come up with that strategy… Jackass Joe!

  4. “Why is the White House Bragging About Conducting Military Operations in Ukraine to Kill Russians?”

    ..it’s because they REALLY want to kill Americans, and implementing the “Skynet Solution” of getting Russia to launch on US is the best way to do it.

  5. Not to excuse Imperial Japan, but we did the “economic sanctions” thing to them, and openly sent volunteers to fight against them in China, well before December 7, 1941. Not that either of those things were bad, but it sure seems like we were completely unprepared for the Japanese reaction, and we are now completely unprepared for potential Russian reaction.

    I notice that the Western Europeans are pretty quiet about what we are bragging on, and that’s unusual for them. It looks like the Globalists intend to give their globe a haircut. Find a safe place, to the extent that you are able.

  6. Thirdtwin
    MAY 6, 2022 AT 11:46 AM

    …we also did “lend lease” to pretend we weren’t giving destroyers to England even though we were giving destroyers to England, because we were still “officially” neutral at the time and knew full well that OPENLY supplying his enemy would give Hilter all the excuse he’d need to declare war on US.

    …seems we’re not so careful these days.

    …almost like they WANT Russia to declare war on us, or something…

  7. How many of your “local” rulers, along with their entire households, will you kill, to prevent this? This time?

    That’s what was known.

  8. The deep state (CIA) has been manipulating Democrats with the Russian ‘carrot and stick’ for well over a decade now. Democrat economists (I say that laughing) only have one trick pony for growing an economy and that is a war. These are not original thinkers by any means. They dusted off their old signature FDR playbook and thumbed over to the 1939 chapter. The military industrial complex is an effective place to launder tax dollars and Joe is is an experienced grifter. Joe Bidumb is the perfect patsy Manchurian Preezy for the job. Hell, he’s already received his down payment in advance via the useful idiot son, Hunter Bidumb. Ask yourself, “When have you ever known a leading Democrat politician who gave a shit for a fallen soldier and their family”? Not during Viet Nam, not in all the dessert wars, not in the last 60 years. It’s going to be a hell of a price to pay for their arrogant ignorance.

  9. @fnuck, son of fnord…

    I can almost guarantee that our generals in the Pentagon and at NATO HQ, as well as our multitudinous bases around the world, are strutting around completely unprotected (except for maybe some masks and face shields. They seem to think that they can target Russian commanders with impunity. They may be right. Or they might be dead wrong.

  10. I think the most reasonable course of action would be to get your affairs in order, and accept the fact these idiots may soon render our planet uninhabitable.

  11. Based on recent customer activity here at the WMDs machine Shop, I’d have to say odds are really good things are going to start glowing in the dark. I shit you naught.

  12. @JDHasty, like I said, maube, maybe not. Or maybe something else. Maybe our IC, when they’re not too busy stalking Russian commanders, could have a look into who’s burning down our food processing facilities. Seeing as nobody’s bragging about those exploits.

  13. Brad
    MAY 6, 2022 AT 12:22 PM
    “Based on recent customer activity here at the WMDs machine Shop…”

    …other “Defense” sectors are seeing an increase too.

    And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

  14. Start acquiring food that will store a long time. Buy water purification equipment. You should already have guns and ammo by now. Find out who you can trust. Be prepared to kill anyone who threatens you and your loved ones. Good luck, everybody.

  15. SNS

    This expedite specifically dealt with component parts for something that flies from one continent to another. And the request came from a very unusual place. And I’ve said to much. But Hambones post sums it up.

  16. Give it time.. Russia will start conducting “Assasination” against Dem☭kkkrats.. and I won’t give a shit! As An America Citizen.. I’m even Okay with it!


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