Even Canada Doesn’t Like Their Own Geese – IOTW Report

Even Canada Doesn’t Like Their Own Geese

CTV News

While Canada geese are a national symbol, the animals can cause a lot of problems for the cities they reside in, leaving officials grappling to find solutions to mitigate their populations.

In recent decades, B.C.-based urban biodiversity planner Jennifer Rae Pierce says Canada geese have been derided as urban pests, overrunning new habitats across North America, especially in cities.

Pierce told CTV’s Your Morning on Wednesday that the issue is not the migrating geese, but rather the “resident geese” that have, in some cases, taken up residence in urban areas year-round.

She explained the two are the same species of bird, but each has different migrating behaviours. More

32 Comments on Even Canada Doesn’t Like Their Own Geese

  1. Oh bullshit. After hearing about a woman taking a stroll on the golf links, who slid into the water hazard on goose shit and damn near punched her ticket I told him to throw a dead goose decoy in the water hazards and that would solve their goose problems. They had spent a fortune up to that point and as soon as the dead goose decoys went in the problem was solved.

    That is how you hunt pothole country, put dead goose decoys on the tanks you are not hunting and decoy the one you are.

    Works for both resident and migrant geese.

    Thanks for the suggestion, JD. I going to try this approach this summer. – Dr. Tar

  2. You can tell the city dwellers when you shoot them, the bottoms of their feet are smooth from walking on concrete.
    A friend of mine had geese on the farm and the only place they shit was on the front or back step. His wife went on vacation and damned if a fox or something killed all of them.

  3. hmmmm … maybe JD’s on to something … might work on feral hood-rats, drug dealers, child-rapists, the homeless infestation, dishonest politicians & other law breakers

    just float a decoy, or two in the local pond, fountain, curbside … & voila! … instant deterrent

  4. @Kcir ~ gotta good goose bow hunting story for ya. I worked at a sewage treatment plant for 12 years, where we had plenty of geese … goose shit everywhere!
    anyways, one of my work buddies decided to get him some goose for dinner. now, they didn’t allow firearms on the treatment plant premises, so he decides to get his compound bow that he used for deer hunting.
    came to work early one morning (several other of us came early too to watch the ‘great hunter’) & he actually shot a goose! great shot, right through the chest

    only problem was, didn’t hit anything vital … the goose walked around for weeks w/ an arrow stuck through its chest & out the other side, under the wing. my buddy tried for days & days to catch the goose to put it out of its misery. he finally caught it, pulled out the arrow & guiltily released it.

    we rode him for years on this; his new nickname for a while was ‘Scotty Hood’
    oh & he once caught a rockfish at the plant without his pants on & killed a deer w/ a ball peen hammer … but those are stories for another time.

  5. True story:

    Toronto has always had a lot of immigration.

    Well, one group of Portuguese people living at “Beaches” would routinely go out in the evening with their Hockey Sticks & equipment bags. The locals thought it was great, how they were taking up hockey….

    Turns out, they were whacking Canuck Goose, throwing them in the bags and eating them.

    Another guy got caught dropping breadcrumbs up a plywood ramp into the back of his white construction van. It went to shit when he got pulled over, hammered, and the copper found the bloody back of the van.

    Good times! Maybe T.O. ain’t that bad.

  6. Not Related but:

    The neighbours just put up a wooden fence (used to be chain link) to block their view of ME!

    Trump Flag, Betsy Ross, 50 stars & stripes, F@ck Trudeau. And I was throwing their pine cones back over the fence from their Tree.

    I think I got to Trust fund Snowflakes.

  7. @ Kcir – I swear I don’t have Drain Bamage, Yet MAY 6, 2022 AT 8:42 PM

    When I was young we all has Stingray bicycles and elephant leg jeans were in style. So I gets ta’ cogitatin and I comes up with a plan. I gets me some 80 lb test braided tuna line and a big fat artificial fly. I puts the fly on the end of the line and I send the fly down one leg of my pants and I ties ta’ other end to my belt and then I rides my stingray to the Phillips Road Fish Hatchery. Ya’ know my feet gets kinda hot peddlin so I shuts down next to the brooder pond full of monster size rainbow trout and take off my sneakers and puts my feet in the water to cool em down. I untie the line from my belt and shake the fly into the water and all hell breaks loose. I win the battle and hauls the slippery corpse up inside my pant leg, tie it off and peddle home. This repeated for a week or so and came to an abrupt halt when all of my free time was consumed by cracking corn for the pheasants, shoveling shit, raking, hoeing and shoveling every Goddamned square foot of 80 acres and other nonsense. It was either that or have my ass tossed in the juvenile detention center the rest of summer vacation.

  8. Cans are not very tasty. Now Specs, Speckle Bellies are freaken awesome, no matter. The reason there’s so many Canadian Geese is because no one hunts anymore. If you belong to Ducks Unlimited, like I do, they’ve been pointing out the destruction of nesting ground for both species in Canada for quite some time. In other words one day they’ll be close to extinct.

  9. Cram them full of celery, onions, orange wedges and put the tip if blade to them till they look like a colander and put them in the oven at 450 – 500 and the grease will pour out for about fifteen minutes. Then turn the oven down and surround them with carols, potato’s and onions and roast them until done. Tastes just like pot roast.

    They are damn good eating. You just have to know how to cook them. Stage one better turn of the smoke detectors though.

  10. “at 450 – 500 and the grease will pour out for about fifteen minutes”

    From what? There’s zero fat on a wild goose. That’s the problem with cooking them. Especially Cans. They taste like Cardboard. Specs are pretty tasty cooked properly. With a fair amount of bacon.

  11. Their feces are the size of a small dog.
    They’re mean too.
    You don’t want to eat the ones that live on the coast and hang out around brackish water.


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