Disinformation Czar Getting Trolled with Empty Egg Cartons – IOTW Report

Disinformation Czar Getting Trolled with Empty Egg Cartons

I’ll let Nina Jankowicz explain in a recent tweet. Here

23 Comments on Disinformation Czar Getting Trolled with Empty Egg Cartons

  1. …honestly, tho, I find it difficult to believe she has not partaken of the “holiest” of Democrat sacraments, murdering a baby gestating in her womb.

    Perhaps we should send her pictures of bloody egg cartons instead, symbolic of the lives ripped from the womb which she certainly supports if not actually participates in, a few million ought to do it, for a start…

  2. Of course she doesn’t have any kids. It’s hard to get pregnant when no man with a pair of functioning testicles will touch you with a 10 foot pole.

  3. Wild Bill
    MAY 7, 2022 AT 6:21 PM
    “That voice, it’s like jamming pencils into my ears.”

    …they’ll get to that for realz soon enough, it’s an excellent murder technique the CIA is pretty fond of that uses ordinary pencils and leaves little fluid to tell the tale until the murderer is long gone, if he does it right…

  4. I think see made that story up. A lie to get sympathy. Who cares if she’s barren. Typical projection by a leftist. She’s probably the one sending empty egg cartons to women in her social circle she hates.

    Demwit commie witch wants to be seen as a victim. Persecuted for being a crusader for leftist doctrine she finds superior.
    She’s committed to forcing the average citizen into thinking the “correct” thoughts by intimidation.
    A way to protect the ideology, not those adversely effected by it, which means justification for draconian Big Brother mandates. Control and power are everything for the left. Nothing is off the table to obtain it.


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