Fact Check: Did ‘Nobody’ Predict Inflation as Psaki Claims? – IOTW Report

Fact Check: Did ‘Nobody’ Predict Inflation as Psaki Claims?


During the daily briefing at the White House Monday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed “nobody” could have predicted current, record inflation. 

“As we look ahead to tomorrow’s inflation speech, let me ask you to look back at some of the warnings that were issued last year by Summers and Rattner and so on. In retrospect, were they right that some of the government policies were going to lead to inflation?” a reporter asked. 

“I wouldn’t say we agreed with them then, and we don’t agree with them now. I would note that as a relates to actions like the American Rescue Plan, the alternative to not putting in place and advocating for the American Rescue Plan would have been the economy continuing to spiral. Right?  We would — we were providing assistance and relief in the form of checks to people who needed that assistance at the time,” Psaki responded. 

“If we look at the recent inflation data, a large, depending on which data you look at, two thirds to even 70 percent of inflation data is a result of energy prices,” she continued, arguing Biden Administration policies and government policies aren’t the driver behind inflation. “A large part of that is the result, Chairman Powell has spoken to this and Secretary, Secretary Yellen has also spoken to this, is a result of President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the impact on the global energy markets. Those are all steps and impacts that I don’t think anyone could have predicted a year ago.” MORE

15 Comments on Fact Check: Did ‘Nobody’ Predict Inflation as Psaki Claims?

  1. The usual deflection and bullshit from the Pedos squawking red parrot.

    Squawk…nothing to see here…squawk…not our fault. squawk..no one could have known…

    Next the black crow will be bullshiting us…

    We are in the very best of hands.

  2. Using my Google gobbledegook to English translator:

    “67 to 70 percent of the inflation is caused by energy prices. But the President’s orders that stopped the United States from continuing as an energy independent nation had absolutely nothing to do with that.”

  3. Every honest Econ degree holder predicted bad inflation after “transitory;” label 14 months ago. Including this “nobody”. And WE ALL WERE/ARE RIGHT!

    Bush Republicans are bad for working Americans; Powell i a Bush ?Republican!?

  4. If there is one Goddamned disaster that was not accurately predicted at the time it was put in motion by this wrecking crew it is because the damage it would cause was underestimated.

  5. “…would have been the economy continuing to spiral..”

    hey, toots, we’re leaving the spiral phase and headed into the 32ft/sec/sec phase.
    funny, how there’s no shortage of fuel when it comes to gaslighting

  6. I told everyone that would listen, which was nobody, that this was going to happen with all the free money they were printing and handing out to any and everybody.

  7. Gee, I always thought it was just the fuel companies taking advantage of a weak and corrupt leadership. Even easier when it’s illegitimate.

    No matter how you spin it, it’s the Resident’s fault.

  8. Ignore the loathsome Howdy-Doody lookalike. Fact is the entire scenario was engineered by Joe Biden, including his malicious and deliberate interruption of depriving infant formula for American babies—but not for Mexican illegals he allowed to cross over by sending them PALLETS of the stuff. illegalaliencrimereport dotcom

  9. Joe the Douche fucked with our oil supply right out the gate.
    Oil drives transportation, which moves the country.
    If you didn’t see this coming, you sure don’t belong where you are.
    But “I didn’t see it coming” is a lie, just like the entire administration is a lie.

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