South Carolina man dies of heart attack while burying girlfriend he killed, authorities say – IOTW Report

South Carolina man dies of heart attack while burying girlfriend he killed, authorities say

he body of Joseph McKinnon, 60, was found near a freshly dug pit where the body of killed Patricia Dent, 65, was discovered, authorities said.

60 Comments on South Carolina man dies of heart attack while burying girlfriend he killed, authorities say

  1. “Dent was supposed to be at work at the Mount Vintage golf course the day she died but didn’t show up, the news outlet reported. She also didn’t answer calls or respond to text messages. “

    Well, yeah…she was DEAD!

  2. Burr, logistics logistics logistics
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 9:29 PM
    “If he had dug the grave first….all of this unpleasantness would have been avoided.”

    …h3 actually DID

    “Mr. McKinnon then bound her and wrapped her in trash bags before putting her in the PREVIOUSLY dug pit,”
    (emphasis mine, but otherwise from the article)

    …he apparently DID preplan, but it got sideways on the cover up.

    …now, if he’d just rented a Bobcat since he obviously DID put some thought in it, we probably wouldn’t be discussing this now…

  3. It’s obvious he was out of shape.

    people,people,first, dig two graves as previously mentioned above. Also there is no shame in employing a bobcat or forklift to help you on the job. Safety first. cannot stress that enough.

  4. Tony R
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 9:07 PM
    ““She also didn’t answer calls or respond to text messages. “

    Well, yeah…she was DEAD!”

    ..but how cool would it have been if she HAD?

    Maybe an Ouija board app?

    …I’m sure that doesn’t deter the extended car warranty people at all, tho…

  5. Burr, no way SNS is ever getting an A.O.F. challenge coin
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 9:43 PM

    “Also there is no shame in employing a bobcat or forklift to help you on the job.”

    …I guess I’m OK with the challenge coin thing since I don’t know what that is, but dismemberment is an option too, provided you tarp the floor and walls against blood spall and use lightweight power tools to do the cutting, which simplifies the burial as you can use a series of MUCH shallower holes.

    But if you have coyotes and vultures, they’ll help you out too, you just can’t do it all at once unless you have a deerskin to wrap it in so no one gives it a second glamce as its consumed…

  6. We’ve learned a lot this week about the importance of choosing an ideal mate.

    First, don’t choose one you have to break out of prison, especially when he’s up on murder charges. Won’t end well.

    Second, never choose a murderous, out of shape slob who can’t even dig a proper grave…

  7. LocoBlancoSaltine
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 9:50 PM
    “We’ve learned a lot this week about the importance of choosing an ideal mate.

    …Second, never choose a murderous, out of shape slob who can’t even dig a proper grave…”
    …unless his name is Bill Clinton. THAT murderous, out of shape slob has buried a TON of his wife’s problems and never had to turn a spade, just sayin’…

  8. SNS…how can you not know about the return of the Marcos clan to powah? Thus resulting in my reconstituting EvilConservatives into American Offshore Financial(wink). It’s actually Asses of Fire but I think A.O.F. will look better on hats.

    I even have an advertisement up on the new press secretary thread.

    And I’m just teasing you as you strike me as the type of guy who, apon spotting me smoking a blunt while clipping old fashioned detonation fuses on sweaty dynamite, would point out the potential hazards of such insipid drudgery followed by a heartwarming tale of cleaning up after other ne’er do wells who engaged in such clownish behavior.

    The result, naturally, is me dumping the entire crate of dynamite in your lap with a pair of nail clippers and a metric ruler.

    “No shorter than 3 seconds ,no longer than 4 seconds. Make lemonade out of this.”

    Then I would take both an RPG and a bottle of booze into the jungle to work out some issues.

    P.S.don’t listen to SNS, kidz. Power tools and disposal of wet goods do not mix. Ever. Elbow grease and Ezekiel 25:17 will take care of the rest.

  9. Burr, globally scaled
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 10:15 PM

    Now you’re just being silly.

    The autopsy saw could just disappear into one of the larger drawers in my Rick Mears edition Snap-On tool box where, provided I washed the blood off, no cop would give it a second glace as it would blend right in with the rest of the pneumatics.

    And entire crematorium is a bit harder to conceal, and would probably raise questions in the wife’s mind whilst being built, plus most LEOs might question it in the context of the missing wife, the ashes, and it being still warm.

    And the neighbors may not like the porky smell…

  10. It’s German engineering. You’re just gonna’ have to trust me when I tell you these guys know how ovens work.

    Besides, A.O.F. is dedicated to to applied solutions for directed outcomes. ….damn…I may need that on a business card…

    The point is, “washing the blood off” just doesn’t ‘cut it’ in today’s world of advanced forensic analysis. That’s why I’m advocating for offshore scaled eradication methods for profit.

    Also…I need a helicopopter pilot. He can be “SKY-6”. Pilots love big fancy names. Hell, for insurance purposes he can be 6-ACTUAL. I just need a morally flexible fellow with good eyesight and some basic people skillz.

    yeah, i know I can hire some cheetoes eatin’ fat slob to drive a drone from inside a shipping container but…… I just can’t. I reward doers. Not sour milk smellin’ jabba the hutt stunt doubles.

  11. Burr, it’s all coming together
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 10:28 PM
    “It’s German engineering. You’re just gonna’ have to trust me when I tell you these guys know how ovens work.”

    …well, as I understand it this was kind of a one-off thing so the caoacity for 800 bodies a month is a bit of overkill, nicht wahr?

    Second, I’ve worked with German engineering (the *ONLY* use I’ve had for those Deutsch classes and years of Dad’s polka records is to lesen technische Handbücher) and looking at that HMI for the crematorium is probably some B&R or ABB junk tied to a shitty Siemens processor and using stupid voltages that you’ll need a transformer for just to get the door open, and all the thermometers will be in Celsius.

    And, like ALL German tech, it’ll be great when it works, but a HUGE pain in the Der Hintern if it doesn’t. And the fucktard European programmer will have locked it up with proprietary code and you’ll be halfway through deydrating Aunt Ester when the thermocouple takes a shit, and God help you if this murder happens in August because Klaus will be on holiday instead of remoting into your crematorium and the body will be pretty stank before he gets back.


    ..lime pits work great for larger numbers anyway, plus I don’t have natural gas on my street but plenty of farm equipment and NO ONE thinks it’s weird when you till a field and plow *something* under, just sayin’…

  12. Yeah but………………fire.

    We haul it on site and sell ash for like….um….cement makin’ or fertilizer. Plus, put a rack in it and it’s 20 oven fired pizzas at a shot.

    Also……fire with flames of burning hotness. That should sell itself.

  13. Burr, I’ll take two
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 10:53 PM

    ..I like fire too, but I can tell you from experience that it’s not hard to burn a body, but it IS hard to burn one COMPLETELY.

    Then there’s synthetic teeth, gold teeth, titanium implants for various joints, metal skull plates, pacemakers that get splody if you leave them in for the cook, silicon implants that leave a gooey mess that would TOTALLY wreck a pizza pie.

    Also , you’d need a fuckton of propane if you’re going portable, and with current gas prices, probably not too practical to tow.

    …so, lovely idea, we just need to work out some kinks, but its dismemberment as a workaround until we get there.

  14. …..dude… can keep whatever scrap metal you find.

    Never had such pushback from someone I haven’t even hired yet….

    All I need from you is to be triage. Not that I’m planning on needing you…in fact, if we sustain any anything more serious than a cut from a snac-pac pudding cup someones getting fired.

    Also, A.A.R.’s All of mine read like Zane Grey stories. I bet you could make even the most hazardous encounter seem routine.

    Also, start smoking a pipe. Really impresses the natives.

  15. Mrs radiomattm
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 10:56 PM
    “I’m dissapointed that so many of you are making light of such a grave situation…”

    ..not sure if you’re being punny or not, but it’s one of those things where you can laugh or you can cry, but nether will make a difference as both parties are deceased, and I wouldn’t have got very far if I’d wept for every corpse I was ever invited to view for one reason or another, so black humor is pretty much the default response to stupid death for me and has been for some time.

    Not sure about all of Burr’s story, he’s kinda our resident Gandalf in mysterious and sometimes insulting wisdom, but I do believe he’s seen a thing or two in his apparent centuries of existence as well.

    So no offence intended, it’s just a way of whistling past the graveyard or laughing at the Reaper even though you know he’s got your ticket in his robe pocket somewhere as well. It may be a bit tacky, and I’m not trying to excuse that, but only explaining that it’s a small bulb being held up in an encroaching darkness by people who’ve seen enough to know their light will be swallowed one day as well, but refuse to fear the necessary end all the same.

  16. My story? Ask Zonga or Al or Genipero. It’s the same set of factual incidents.

    I used to work for a company that supplied dry goods to the P.I. in order to stop the islamic insurgency in the southern islands. It’s been goin’ off and on for 600 years. Job security in my book.

    With the return of the Marcos clan into powah I’m hoping things can return to it’s natural warlike state.

    Lot’s of contractors are gonna’ try to cash in. I just have more panache.

    Oh, and Asses Of Fire is so named in honor of anyone who’s served overseas and developed an intimate relationship with baby wipes.

  17. Burr, beachfront inferno
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 11:23 PM

    “Also, start smoking a pipe. Really impresses the natives.”

    …I had heard it was better to smoke cigarettes because cannibals say it makes your meat taste bad…

  18. Laugh all you want. Dudes that earned chapped asses overseas will appreciate it.

    Oh and Erwik, I think teaching “Uncle Fucker” as a cadence march will be much,much easier than trying translate a 17 minute bong inspired epic about love and Charleston Chews…. presumably…. couldn’t get through the whole mess myself. Still, I suppose, that’s what hiring interns is for.

  19. I am not a merc. I have never been a merc. I have never worked in black opps.

    More dudes should take that route. All these stolen valor jackasses always claim to be tank admirals or black op sushi chefs. Bro, the miltary also has broom pushers, wing wipers, and bus drivers….no offence to C-130 pilots intended.

    All I ever did, and plan to do, is to offer goods and training. Everybody offers dry goods, hardly anybody wants to go to some green and sticky remote slice of hell to teach the hopeless and helpless how to best reunite their enemies with whatever pagan god they burn incense to.

    Other than some tours of inspection, I’m at the hotel typing up paperwork and making phone calls to keep our tiny flying circus intact, and up and running.

    I have no idea what all those brown eyed jibberish speaking lads get up to with all that ordinance when I’m not around.

    Again, intern. Jungles are for the wide eyed and innocent working for college credit. I’m sure he’ll keep me up to speed.

  20. “More dudes should take that route. All these stolen valor jackasses always claim to be tank admirals or black op sushi chefs. Bro, the miltary also has broom pushers, wing wipers, and bus drivers….no offence to C-130 pilots intended.”

    Yea, you nailed that. I think I’ve run into all of them.

  21. Also, I was naming old time readers of EvilConservatives who can vouch for the repetitiveness of my tales of …..logistics .

    Not…super exiting. But rewarding. You know, you do a full day of hands on labor, making sure every box is accounted for and every item in every box. By hand. Satisfying knowing that whatever was needed, the specific, actual, non off brand real deal stuff I know I would want on the other end when I opened the shipment, was there.

    Just had the stubbornness for it.

  22. I visited your place back in the day. It was really good. You should have recruited someone to manage the important stuff. Like passwords. LOL. Was that a cheapshot? It was good.

  23. Not a cheap shot at all. Considering I stole it from it’s rightful owner, turned a .org into a for profit concern and funded it with the proceeds from merchandise sales.

    Not bad for a white boy dodging federal charges for election interference at the time.

    That site was one of the best damn alibis I ever came up with.

  24. Burr, the one damn time I need muh bullwhip and I can’t find it anywhere
    MAY 12, 2022 AT 12:32 AM
    “the miltary also has broom pushers, wing wipers, and bus drivers….no offence to C-130 pilots intended.”

    …I once read a story in his semi-autobigraphical book “U-505” where Rear Admiral D. V. Gallery wrote about in one of his early commands in WWII was a PBY naval wing that was stationed there for anti-submarine warfare, that when they made their first kill he had a celebration to honor the crew and included the base Captain Of The Head (toilet plunging latrine cleaner) with them. This caused some obvious questions that he answered by explaining that there are NO small jobs in his command, and that the Captain of the Head was instrument in this milestone in this way: submarines of the WWII type were shy, and trying to find one in a whole bunch of ocean was veru boring, and that you HAD to be instantly ready to kill when the opportunity presented itself. Now, had the base toilets been a disgusting mess, rather than do his business there, the pilot may have elected to use the more civilized facilities on the PBY. Had he been in the back with his pants down around his ankles, the submarine may have never even beem noticed. But as the COTH kept the shitter shiny, the pilot was all clear in the air and had time for little things like submarine hunting.

    So never think your job doesn’t matter.

    It may be literally the difference between life and death.

  25. We used the big Enron E as our logo for a while. Those mo-fos went broke. Not like they were gonna’ sue us for copyright infringement.

    Had members all over the worl’.

    Not all of them are currently in jail.

    I promise to do better next time.

  26. By the way, I’m not a psycho stalker. You know what I do for a living. A ton of numeric values, and I remember each and everyone for months. If I meet you on the street and you tell me your name I’ll forget it 10 seconds after you leave along with what ever conversation we might have had. However I recall written stuff the same as numbers. Weird huh. I’d donate my brain to science but there’s a few things in there don’t want anybody to know about. Anyway that’s my story and I’m sticken to it. You should restart your site.

  27. I would prefer to kick this site into 2nd gear. I mean….it’s already here.

    Together, all of us, united…..we could scare the sh!t out of 3/4 of the globe.

  28. Mrs radiomattm
    MAY 12, 2022 AT 7:39 AM

    …”grave” matter.

    I can dig it.

    Though it might be, but I’m not the most sensitive person you’ll ever meet so sometimes I’m not sure.

    And a lot of people don’t think death is funny.

    But sometimes it is…,width=550,height=550,appearanceId=231,backgroundColor=CBCBCB,noPt=true/damn-shame-what-they-did-to-that-dog-womens-t-shirt.jpg

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