Honestly, not the best putting stroke, but he drains it – IOTW Report

Honestly, not the best putting stroke, but he drains it

13 Comments on Honestly, not the best putting stroke, but he drains it

  1. “Honestly, not the best putting stroke…”

    Damn Fur!
    Why you always ragging on Trump?
    BFH is a democrat PLANT!

    I’m calling you out Fur!
    This is ULTRA-MAGA country and that “stroke” comment is exactly what a leftist would say!

  2. You know, that’s what’s missing right now. A president who brings some zest to our lives because he so enjoys what he’s doing. POTUS Trump has a natural gift of enjoying his pursuits. He’s a good example. I miss that. I miss his sincere interactions with, say, heads of businesses, the military, Angel Moms, the Boy Scouts, college sports teams, you name it. He is a cheerleader for those who pursue and work hard to improve their pursuits. The Leftist Globalists would have us believe that self-interest and satisfaction is an ugly selfishness that deprives others of their “fair share”. The Left believe there is only so much pie to go around. Trump believes we can build more pie factories.

  3. Wow, how did the great MAGA king get behind enemy lines to play golf?
    And why didn’t I know there was a Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles???
    Long live the great MAGA king. And FJB!

  4. Bet your butt AA if DJT was in the Oval Office, he’d have the heads of the baby formula companies in there reading them the Riot Act.

    Now? We’ve got Joe ranting about food boxes.

    When I see he has over 30% approval polling, I call bullshit.


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