Worst President Ever – Biden administration cancels oil and gas lease sales in Alaska, Gulf of Mexico – IOTW Report

Worst President Ever – Biden administration cancels oil and gas lease sales in Alaska, Gulf of Mexico

The Hill-

The Interior Department will not move forward with planned oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska’s Cook Inlet, it announced Wednesday night. 

A spokesperson for the department confirmed the Cook Inlet lease sale would not proceed due to insufficient industry interest. Meanwhile, the planned sale of two leases, lease 259 and lease 261, in the Gulf of Mexico will not proceed due to contradictory court rulings on the leases, the spokesperson confirmed. 

Shortly after taking office, President Biden signed an executive order freezing all new oil and gas leasing on federal lands. Last summer, Judge James Cain, a Trump appointee, struck down the ruling, prompting the Biden administration to appeal.

Meanwhile, in January, the Washington, D.C., District Court invalidated another Gulf of Mexico lease sold by the federal government, lease 257. The administration is not appealing the January ruling, although it affects a separate lease from the ones named by the Interior spokesperson. 

The Alaska lease would have covered more than 1 million acres. The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management previously canceled lease sales in the area in 2006, 2008 and 2010, also citing lack of interest from industry at the time. 


16 Comments on Worst President Ever – Biden administration cancels oil and gas lease sales in Alaska, Gulf of Mexico

  1. Nothing to see here, move along…

    How screwed up can a country be when a District court thousands of miles away can claim authority and issue rulings on land it really doesn’t know anything about?

    But then again how can a government never truly elected do the same? Biden is an illegal president and the 2020 election was stolen.

  2. You can’t sell electric cars if we have affordable gasoline.
    It’s all part of the Green Agenda. Marxist Democrats would prefer to tank America one way or the other. Either way, they win.

  3. In addition, it was recently discovered that Joe Biden ordered pallets of baby formula be sent to detention centers for Mexican illegals the slob allowed in to cross over—all while American babies starve. Biden also ordered the US FDA to limit baby formula against Americans.

  4. “The Alaska lease would have covered more than 1 million acres. The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management previously canceled lease sales in the area in 2006, 2008 and 2010, also citing lack of interest from industry at the time”

    All this means is that the government wasn’t going to get as much money from the lease sales as it wanted. Lease sales are another one of those hidden taxes the energy companies pass along to the consumer. how long will it be before the government begins taxing wind and sunlight? Owners of windmills and solar panels beware!

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