Look for the canceling of this writer – IOTW Report

Look for the canceling of this writer


Why would a trans man who has had hormone therapy to become male in appearance – growing a beard and body hair, developing an Adam’s apple and having surgery to remove his breasts – decide to get pregnant?

Wouldn’t it be easier and simpler just to have a child as a woman – with hormones and breasts intact and functioning – and then transition afterwards?

Not, apparently, if you are Roberto Bete, a pregnant trans man who, together with his partner Erica Feeha, a trans woman, last week became the new face of Calvin Klein underwear.

As part of a campaign in honour of Mother’s Day in America, and allegedly paying tribute to mothers everywhere, it features the heavily pregnant Bete in the brand’s iconic underpants, accompanied by a quote from the expectant father, explaining: ‘We can reproduce biologically or from the heart… our role in the world is to love and be loved.’

Leaving aside the fact the heart is not yet a reproductive organ (although in this day and age you never know) I’m afraid the first thing that struck me about these pictures was not the swollen belly and the self-indulgent pose, but how brutal those scars on his chest looked. The more I looked the less I saw a ‘celebration of diversity’ and more someone who seemed, to me at least, deeply conflicted.


By the way. That is not a pregnant man. That is a woman who has taken testosterone and had surgery to remove her breasts.

And that is not a woman on the right. That is the person that impregnated the “man.”

Women cannot impregnate men.

This can only happen if you play around with words.

29 Comments on Look for the canceling of this writer

  1. And God weeps. The self-deluded, an infinitesimally small percentage, believe they are righteous, failing to see their selfish nature is on fully display. These are seriously lost people. Okay to do what you want, but to intentionally bring a child into the mix is evil-doing. But watch, The Moronic Left will celebrate these two “gender breakers” as heroes, not the weirdos they are. Gag me with a pitchfork.

  2. I doubt that a ‘mother’ taking large doses of testosterone could carry a child full term. I doubt ‘it’ is pregnant but is a beer gut with an arched back (notice the placement of the hands in the photo).

  3. To riff on What a Deal… freaks gotta freak. Everyone has some freak in them and some have a lot. The more ‘normal’ we make the various kinds of freaking, the further the freak has to go to get their jollies. There was a time when freaks ordered their tittie costumes and women’s negligee from Fredericks of Hollywood out od the back of fuck mags. It got delivered in plain packaging.

    Now they order their freakshow items from doctors and parade around for the cameras. They groom our children and soon will be simply taking them for their freakshow pleasure if we let them. They will continue pushing, it’s where they get their jollies.

  4. The foundation of all mental illness, LGBTQ included, is the unwillingness to experience legitimate suffering. The real issue in America is that it has become taboo, by the left, to acknowledge (primarily their own) mental illness.

  5. I am being 100% literal when I say that to any follower of the progressive political philosophy and all followers of progressivism the primary purposes of a child is as a lifestyle accessory. The child’s wants and needs are subordinates to those of the parents… if you can even call them that.

    To concede good intentions to them is never warranted and to do so and not call them on their bullshit, knowing what they are up to is complicity.

  6. @JDHasty May 15, 2022 at 12:08 pm

    > I am being 100% literal when I say that to any follower of the progressive political philosophy and all followers of progressivism the primary purposes of a child is as a lifestyle accessory.

    Just call them Pædos. You Nazi!

  7. They are self identified materialists. Everything to them is based on an economic calculation. Other people have no value to them and are nothing to them but objects that can be exploited in order to advance their own agenda. Concepts such as compassion and empathy to them are nothing more than opportunities to exploit to advance their own interests. They are totally unworthy of anything except indifference to any suffering they have inflicted on themselves and contempt.

  8. Sure she did! Unlike most of fat boys here, she grew a pair instead of losing em. What see here is a bunch of sexually frustrated males that “feel” their whithered manhood threatened. Not to worry, with the right hormone therapy you can regain some of it back.

  9. Waiting to “transition” would be easier but certainly not insane enough.

    It’s an advertisement. How do we even know these people exist? Or exist as pictured? Don’t even need fake facial hair, just a good pixel artist. Ghastly how C.K. made an in-your-face statement about a woman cutting off her breasts. Ghouls. I hope someone sues the underwear off them for trying to indoctrinate young girls who will undoubtedly be drawn to seeing this ad.

  10. MickeyM — “The foundation of all mental illness, LGBTQ included, is the unwillingness to experience legitimate suffering.”

    You said it! Something along the same lines that I heard recently from a minister (speaking about the “woke”) is they want the love but without the truth. They want their ideas to be agreed with and adopted as “normal”, but they don’t want the truth of the Gospels or of Jesus. If one isn’t redeemed I suppose nothing redeeming can be seen in suffering.

  11. Twisted satanic gender lies and hormone manipulation can’t change unique genetic codes that define a man and a woman.
    Their true functions and biology are not interchangeable as designed by God. Mentally and spiritually corrupt people have no effect on the Truth.


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