Memorial Day – Do You Remember? – IOTW Report

Memorial Day – Do You Remember?

Images courtesy of:

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To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • 6-12, Stalking and Hunting – Critters stalking their prey – other critters, toys, string, red dots, etc.
  • 6-19, My Daddy Is the Bestest – Father’s day! Critter fathers, critters or human!
  • 7-3, Independence Day – Flags, fireworks and critters. Either dressed up or whatever.

Thank you for all the prayers for my surgery. God answered every one of them! Guess which one he answered wholeheartedly? “Thy will be done.”

Remember when I boasted that I’d be out of the hospital in two days? HA! I must have needed some humble pie, because I discovered that this was a much more intense surgery than I imagined. Not that my stubbornness didn’t help, but it couldn’t make my recovery go the way I wanted!

So, I’ll be accepting the recovery and humility God knows that I need. – Claudia

Memorial Day – remembering the ultimate sacrifice that man can give; his/her life for another. “Thank you, Lord, for the men and women who answered the call of their nation to protect her freedom.

16 Comments on Memorial Day – Do You Remember?

  1. Three of my uncles served in WWII. Two of them were severely wounded in combat. All have passed away now.
    Thank you for your service Uncles Scotty (Marines), Frank (Army) and Harry (Navy).

  2. Never Forgotten: 50 years.
    Cpl. Jimmy Worth; USMC, Sub Unit One, 1st ANGLICO,
    MIA/KIA Vietnam 1972

    We continue to pray that you will return home to your family and grateful Nation.
    Semper Fi Jimmy

  3. I go to the VA at least once a month and have to pass by a National Cemetery. I maintain a salute for the quarter mile whilst passing… Never forget…

  4. AMEN! for Claudia.
    Dad was in the Pilippines
    with his A-10 Warthog of the day….
    B-25 light bomber with 14 forward firing
    50 cals. 8 in the nose.Radial 8 cylinder twin
    engines made by North American. I still remember
    detail for detail all his war stories.

  5. My grandfather went to France with the 90th “Tough Ombres” Division, which was composed of men from Texas and Oklahoma, and he fought in the St. Mihiel Salient and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in 1918. My mother kept his last uniform and all of the items that he carried with him when he went “Over There” to make the “World Safe for Democracy.” I recently got his uniform and keepsakes out of storage, and they reminded me how many young men have fought and died to defend our country from foreign enemies in battles that only people interested in military history know about these days.

  6. MARCO

    60 YEARS AGO I HAD A “DOUGH BOY” RELATIVE. A POORLY EDUCATED “COWBOY” IN SOCAL. NOT MUCH WORK FOR COWBOYS IN SOCAL SO HE HAD LITTLE $. WAS FORCED TO GO TO VA FOR MEDICAL CARE. VA WAS AS BAD IN ’62 as it was in 2002. One of the few times I’ve said it is wrong to blame Bush for the problem.

    Daddy Dave’s mistreatments hardened my resolve to make $ so i could buy MD’s.He died before he could collect Soc. Sec. IMHO in part due to the care, or lack of said same, at the VA.

    I said 20 years ago VA was a disaster under Bush because it has always been such. At least since 1962 from my experience.

    I know he was in France; but where i know not. He did have some pics which i hardly remember today.

  7. ExJarhead:

    My grandfather was caught in a mustard gas attack near the end of the war, and eventually it caused him a great deal of breathing difficulty. He had to get help from Congressman Sam Rayburn in order to get $32 a month in Veterans’ Benefits. He also had a Veterans’ exemption from paying Texas Poll Taxes to vote. His brother also fought in France with the American Expeditionary Force, and they both stayed in the Rhineland with the American Occupation Force after the Huns were thoroughly wupped. They both lived long enough to see the 90th Division go back to Europe to fight the Germans for a second time.


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