Tax filings reveal how BLM co-founder spent charity funds – IOTW Report

Tax filings reveal how BLM co-founder spent charity funds

NYP: Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors used charity funds to pay her brother and child’s father eye-watering sums of cash for various services, according to tax documents filed with the IRS.

The co-founder’s brother, Paul Cullors, saw a cool sum of $840,000 hit his bank account for allegedly providing security services to the nonprofit organization, tax documents seen by The Post show.

Meanwhile, the organization paid a company owned by Damon Turner, with whom Cullors shares a child, almost $970,000 to help “produce live events” as well as other “creative services.”

On top of the controversy, BLM wrapped up its fiscal year — which runs from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021 — with a stunning $42 million in net assets.

The foundation had an operating budget of about $4 million, according to a board member.

More than $37 million was spent by the foundation on grants, real estate, and charter on private flights, according to the tax filings. more

9 Comments on Tax filings reveal how BLM co-founder spent charity funds

  1. And that obese Cullors pig sure did (continue) to feed her fat wobbly azz very well even after savaging poor neighborhoods and struggling businesses, many of which were of black populations. Take note the savage violence was/is promoted and urged by the longtime white supremacist Joe Biden and democrat party/collaborators.

  2. Isn’t embezzlement illegal?

    Or is it only illegal for fat, balding, white guys?

    How bout tax evasion?
    Oh, yeah, Al Sharpton set the stage for negroes not having to pay taxes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Lying and corruption by a grifter, I’m shocked, I tell you !

    BLM will deploy the race card and will be exempt from prosecution. Reverend Jackson and Sharpton agree, they’ll be on every media outlet yelling racism.

  4. Did the corporations throwing money at Burn Loot Murder do it because they felt empathy towards them or doing it to just shut them up? They’re nothing but corrupt grifters.

  5. Just another in a line of race hucksters dating back 80 years now.

    It would be sad if it were not all so damn predictable.

    The simple fact is these hustlers and bigots always spend the money on enriching themselves.

    You would think black folk would be sick of this but as long as the grifters keep heading to the bank with the crackers cash I guess they will just keep laughing.

    The corporate dickwads piss me off though. Could give a tinkers damn about the progs easing their white guilt however.

  6. “Did the corporations throwing money at Burn Loot Murder do it because they felt empathy towards them or doing it to just shut them up?”

    Protection Racket.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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