Wisconsin Edition of “When Animals Attack” – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Edition of “When Animals Attack”

We’ll start off with the bear bird feeder raid gone wrong. Here
And finish with the poacher who got more than he bargained for from his trophy buck. More

6 Comments on Wisconsin Edition of “When Animals Attack”

  1. I never understood the attraction to wormy deer meat. My roommate while I was in school served me up some venison stew. I have never been sicker in my life. Thought I was going to die for a little while there and was burping up that crap seven days later. Never again. Granted the great deer hunter didn’t want his meat to go to waste from the carcass he left hanging in the backyard too long, but that one event was enough to make me swear off the stuff forever.
    If mystery meat is being served, then I demand to see the evidence that it was FDA inspected store bought beef.

  2. There is a saying that goes, “A fed bear is a dead bear”. When people put out food, even bird feeders, bears are going to get to it one way or the other. Then, they begin to come back over and over and become a problem. Problem bears get shot.


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