14 students killed, 1 teacher dead in elementary school shooting, – IOTW Report

14 students killed, 1 teacher dead in elementary school shooting,


The suspect was identified as 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, a student at Uvalde High School.

UVALDE, Texas — Fourteen students and a teacher are dead after a shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, according to Gov. Greg Abbott.

The 18-year-old suspect, a student at Uvalde High School, is also dead, he said.

“He shot and killed horrifically and incomprehensibly 14 students and killed a teacher,” Abbott said during an unrelated press briefing.

The suspect also allegedly shot his grandmother before entering the school and again opening fire, Abbott said. He did not say anything further about her condition.

Abbott said the shooter — identified by law enforcement sources and the governor as Salvador Ramos — had a handgun and also possibly a rifle.

“When parents drop their kids off at school, they have every expectation to know that they’re going to be able to pick their child up when that school day ends. And there are families who are in mourning right now,” Abbott said. “The state of Texas is in mourning with them for the reality that these parents are not going to be able to pick up their children.”

Two responding police officers were among those injured, Abbott said. They are expected to survive, he said.


34 Comments on 14 students killed, 1 teacher dead in elementary school shooting,

  1. Sandy Hook with a Hispanic. The Pedo will be on at 2015 EST maybe the sack of shit will be on time for once.

    Look for massive 2nd amendment crack down even though you have to be 21 in TX to legally buy a handgun.

    If one of his parents are white, he will be a White-Hispanic inside of 24 hrs.

    We need to harden schools and arm every single teacher, I know 99% are Demonrat pussies but I belive even a gun hating teacher would use a gun to save children,

  2. The Israeli model (armed and trained teachers) works/used to work (current status of arming Israeli teachers unknown).
    Why can’t we follow their example?
    I know, I know, that’s a rhetorical question. But still a valid one.
    It would be interesting to ask a union teacher.

  3. I think too many people easily dismiss covert operations by our own government, like MK Ultra which was in fact a CIA program and my still be in operation in the dark. They want to disarm Americans so badly that they would go to such means to push their agenda!

  4. Thoughts and prayers for the families. 🙏🕊️❤️
    May the Lord give them comfort, for he is good.

    Illegal alien with a criminal past? 🤔 Just taking a wild guess.

  5. DaveVA – Of course we will! democRATz have created the perfect atmosphere for crime with no contols onthe border and rampant crime in our cities!! Ecpect things to spiral out of control… just so they cna blame it on so called White Supremacy”!

  6. You know the Democrats will be celebrating this tonight, something to forward their agenda.

    As for school protection, with todays technology, everybody within a 5 mile radius of the school could be notified by text. “HELP NOW”.
    How many legal gun owners, retired military, police officers, could respond. Responders wear special vests or something for identification.

    There has never been a mass shooting at a gun range.

  7. I’ll betcha dollars to donuts that Jackass Joe is gonna come out tonight and stand on the bodies of 14 children and 1 teacher just to preach to the nation about the need for gun control.

    DemocRATz have NO FUCKING BUSINESS WHATSOEVER to tell us ANYTHING about how to solve the problem with Law & Order that THEY THEMSELVES HAVE CREATED! One casual look at the Border crisis and any democRAT controlled city tells us everything we need to know about what their goals are!

  8. Pics captured from his social media, prior to proforma blackout, seem to indicate he may have been transitioning. If, so, and if he was being dosed with pub-blockers, then he would have been undergoing psych care. Most likely could have been experiencing mental stability issues, as well, due to those meds.

    Evil, everywhere you look.


  9. By the way it’s up to 18 dead children now. Pure evil. I get home and flip on the tube and get to hear all kinds of assholes talking about how the Government should protect our kids. I think they’ve proven they can’t. We need local solutions. Like armed guards, teachers, janitors, what ever. It’s amazing people like my Governor don’t understand why evil attacks schools is because there’s zero chance of getting shot/killed/stopped before you accomplish what it set out to.

  10. A mexican shooting mexicans – taking a page from the Chicago playbook, I see.
    waiting to be held responsible for something my guns and me had nothing to do with, once again.

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