Unraveling Hillary Clinton’s Russia hoax … starting with Michael Sussmann – IOTW Report

Unraveling Hillary Clinton’s Russia hoax … starting with Michael Sussmann

Howie Carr:

If you’re only dimly aware of the ongoing D.C. criminal trial of corrupt Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann, don’t feel bad.

That’s the way they want it, they being the Deep State.

On Friday, Hillary’s campaign manager Robby Mook testified under oath. He swore that in the middle of the 2016 presidential campaign, Clinton signed off on secretly handing the corrupt FBI a totally bogus, made-up report on Donald Trump’s alleged communications with the Kremlin through a server for Alfa Bank in Moscow.

You see, the fraudulent Steele “dossier” wasn’t the Democrats’ only attempted frame-up of Trump. Hillary et al. were making up all kinds of BS about the future POTUS. And Hillary personally okayed the Big Lie on the server.

Jonathan Turley boiled it down succinctly: “Hillary Gave the Greenlight to Gaslight.”

Perfect. And that’s why you’ve probably never read it anywhere, at least not in any of the outlets that gave themselves Pulitzer Prices for years of gas-lighting all these fake rabidly anti-Trump whoppers.

This particular one was such a preposterous canard that an FBI agent — and remember, these sticky-fingered clowns are little more than the Democrats’ secret police — scrawled in the margin of the report the number 5150, which is California slang for insane or crazy.

But in state-run media, all you’ve heard about Sussmann is crickets. They’re giving this trial a good leaving-alone. more

5 Comments on Unraveling Hillary Clinton’s Russia hoax … starting with Michael Sussmann

  1. Forgive me. But if you accept the legitimacy of The Party, declaring The Party, all Good(TM)… I don’t care who kills you. And rapes your children’s corpses.

  2. Here’s what’s gonna happen:

    1. The jury, filled with democrat filth, is gonna acquit Sussmann because their TDS demands it.

    2. Then, that preposterous, OJ-sh acquittal will be presented as “proof” that Trump “colluded with Russia”.

    3. The news media that has ignored the trial up to that point, will then all run with the same narrative that the “not guilty” verdict “proves” Trump’s “guild”.

    We live in Satanic times. We’d all be better off just converting to Islam at this point. At least they know how to deal with enemies and miscreants properly.


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