Oberlin’s Lawyers May Have Screwed Their Client Out of $36 Million – IOTW Report

Oberlin’s Lawyers May Have Screwed Their Client Out of $36 Million

It seems the lawyers representing Oberlin College in their appeals through the Ohio state court system forgot an important detail, to file for a stay in an appeals court. The lawyers representing Gibson bakery quickly filed for summary payment of the $36 million award plus interest and it looks like they’ll get it. Here

9 Comments on Oberlin’s Lawyers May Have Screwed Their Client Out of $36 Million

  1. DAMN! Screwed, blued, & tattooed!
    See ya! Wouldn’t wanna be ya!
    Have to wonder if this will put Oberlin College into bankruptcy/out of business. (we can only hope)

  2. The friggin lawyers dragged this out long enough for the Gibson’s never lived long enough to see a dime. I hope the insurance company that is now on the hook for this, sues the attorneys for malpractice. And jacks-up the premiums the college has to pay.

  3. Oberlin has billions. In the long run this will amount to the cost of doing the usinee of pushing the Liberal agenda.
    In the mean time we get to watch Davy beat Goliath!

    GO Davy!!

  4. Most likely those were the insurance company’s lawyers since in a matter such as this the insurer would demand to handle the defense. The insurer would retain outside counsel and that’s likely who screwed up.


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