The Mass Shooting the Drive-By Media Are Ignoring – IOTW Report

The Mass Shooting the Drive-By Media Are Ignoring


A woman with a concealed handgun stopped a mass shooting this week after a man attacked a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia. 

“Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston,” location Fox 11 reported about the incident. “Dennis Butler was killed after allegedly shooting at dozens of people attending a graduation party Wednesday near the Vista View Apartment complex. No injuries were reported from those at the party. Investigators said Butler was warned about speeding in the area with children present before he left. He later returned with an AR-15-style firearm and began firing into the crowd before he was shot and killed.” More

16 Comments on The Mass Shooting the Drive-By Media Are Ignoring

  1. My guess, skilled Lady, that happens to be black, with a gun, smokes a POS, that also happens to be black, while he was trying to kill other black people with a black gun. Far to much Blackness to broadcast on the evening news.

  2. @Brad
    I certainly agree with all that.

    I would also add, it just doesn’t fit their demented narrative for a gun owner to play such an important role in the well-being of those that like the idea of living.

  3. jellybean

    Exactly and I think their major heartburn come from the fact a responsible gun owner who happened to be a Black Woman smoked a career criminal in the act of trying to harvest some black souls. Justifying the notion of a good gun defeats a bad person.

  4. Perp, Black 37, had a life of crime with multiple convictions including felonies. Google “charleson wv party shooting” for more details and see why it will not be featured on the MSM

  5. Butler got my favorite form of death penalty: being killed at the time of his attempted but unsuccessful lethal-force assault, and suffering that fate by the hand of an intended victim or such a victim’s defender.

    No incarceration costs, no court costs, no appeal, no parole, and NO RISK OF RECIDIVISM.

    Well done, Ma’am. A bad guy with a gun is best stopped by a good guy or gal with a gun.

  6. Since the perp was black, we can surmise that the woman who stopped him had to be black too, since I haven’t heard that the city has been burned to the ground.

  7. Uncle Al,
    In certain circles that I visit, that’s called the “Taxpayers’ Savings Shot” (TSS). Well named.

  8. There was no “mass shooting”. And one woman was the reason for that.

    Ya’ll say a prayer for her mental well being. Justified or not, this will be a burden on her the rest of her life.

  9. They will file this under gun violence.
    Maybe they should send her to the NRA convention? Seeing how the governor of Texas chickened out, afraid of the optics. Why he doesn’t do both if he’s for real?


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